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  • I am in a similar situation to you, planning on buying a 13" Macbook mid range with 2gb and a 160GB HD. I've decided to wait for next summer when I can get the back to school promotion along with 10.5 Leopard and Office '08. Also, buy this point, I …
  • It costs $23 but is fast and very reliable. Fast conversion from nearly every video format to iPod, PSP, DV, DVD, Tivo, AVI, MP4, WMV, MPEG and Flash. # DivX/XviD AVIs, all forms of MPEG video, and …
  • If you have Parallels and you are running Outlook, can you sync with a Blackberry. That's the only one I care about, I'm just curious if you would be able to sync a Creative in WMP.
  • There's a great program called Handbrake Mac compatible w/ Windows Beta. It's slow but works well. You have to tweak the settings for standard Handbrake to make it iPod compatible, so I recommend Instant Handbrake. You just click iPod for the …
  • Slightly thicker than iPod nano for longer battery life. Aluminum rounded encasing: Multitouch Widescreen, covering full length of Nano Similar Interface as iPhone. Includes same phone features Music/Photo interface same as iPhone, possi…
  • sorry, forgot link to Pogues, FAQS [URL="
  • Pogue, a reporter for the NY Times, has a list of FAQs about the iPhone. He claims it won't sync with Outlook. Unless they make iCal/Address Book etc. for Windows, how will it sync? He also says no games! Apple shouldn't develop games for the iPod a…
  • Apple advertises about how iSync works with so many different phones, I highly doubt that they wouldn't allow Contacts/To Do Lists/Calendar bluetooth syncing.
  • iPhone Nano 4 or 8 GB Slightly thicker than iPod Nano, with full touch screen similar to iPhone Video would be nice, but unlikely TXTing, IMing a must 2 MP Camera would be nice. Standard 1.3 OK I
  • I agree about not needing office or iwork, it's completely pointless, but Windows Mobile switchers might want it, plus that's just my dream on what it'll have in June. Obviously we still don't know much about the phone's specs or capabilities in det…
  • Happy that they have iChat. They really should open up to 3rd parties apps, but Apple could keep a lock on what they allow. Some hacker will crack the restriction most likely anyway.
  • iChat mobile not present? WTF, even the most basic phones do im now windows mobile has office, iwork mobile necessary. 3G also needed, video chat would be awesome Also, no mention of iPod game's compatibility. Imagine 3rd party modern games…