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Quote: Originally Posted by Daffy_Duck I wonder what designers are going to use the statistical functions? I write reports all the time which contain lots of statistical analyses. For the most part I use JMP and Office 2007 Excel with Q1 Macro…
Quote: Originally Posted by kiseki Nor its thickness... but rather its WEIGHT, especially in Japan where everyone uses (excessively crowded) public transportation to commute. Three figures (in grams) is standard now, most of the major pla…
This is a repost from one I made last night on this topic. Here we go again. Another lawsuit by a Florida company, SP technologies, contending an infringement of its 2004 patent. The company claims the patent describes a "method and medium for co…
So far, service on Long Island, NY is terrific. Ditto for southern Connecticut.
Quote: Originally Posted by DevotedDad Hi All, Switching and LOVE it thus far. A couple of quick questions: 1. Is there anyway to "show Desktop", as you can on XP? 2. I was working on an Excel:Mac sheet today and needed to do a Shift+CT…
Quote: Originally Posted by Bergermeister Another great man to whom we owe a lot said "You can have any color you want, as long as it's black." . Excellent and appropriate quote.
Quote: Originally Posted by Bergermeister There were some doubters out there, but it is obvious now: multitouch is here to stay and grow. Self-programmable keyboards are on the way. I would love to say... I told you so! I would love t…
Quote: Originally Posted by appleaddict Why is AAPL down despite good news like this?? I don't get it? trading around 137 now Stock market games by some slick bears. http://blogs.business2.com/apple/200...aid-wallo.html
Thanks for the replys. It would be nice to know if audiobooks, TV shows, movies and videos represent good profit sources for the AAPL iTunes division.
Kaspar, With regard to the 3 billion number, does one audiobook for $15-$45 , one TV show for ~$2+ or one movie for $10+ count the same as one 99 cent song? Also, do you know what the profit margins are for audiobooks, TV shows and movies? Tha…
Quote: Originally Posted by SpamSandwich Starting to look at using the iPod in a car and I'm trying to decide between the wireless FM transmitter options vs. something more permanent. If you've implemented either, tell me your experience. Than…
"You were just like those baaahhh'ing that I'm an idiot to buy so much real estate in early 2000. Everyone knows real estate is dead and gee... look at that NASDAQ." Oi vey. Groan. Why me? I sold my house on the south shore of LI in July, 2005 at…
Are you Alan Greenspan posting under a pseeudonym? With all due respect (really, no ad hominem intended), except for your predection of a recession circa Spring,2008 and asking folks to save more, I find the rest of your writing a series of obfu…
Quote: Originally Posted by trumptman I bought PVX in January of this year when it hit $9.99. Yahoo Finance One thing you have to remember is PVX pays a 1% monthly dividend. Sure 24-26% isn't as good as say...60% but I never said Apple h…
I use both platforms everyday. All the hassle of ridding an App in Windows don't exist in OS X. Drag the App to the trash and your done. Unlike windows, where removing an App can take hours or days of frutration. I still have Windows Apps that refus…
Quote: Originally Posted by ouragan Macs are enjoyable, but too expensive. They are expensive because a fat cat CEO demands the highest compensation on the planet, more than $650 millions for 2006, or else ... Apple is a company with a 5.6% ma…
Quote: Originally Posted by trumptman Some people have exited, that is for sure. CNN/Money People are always welcome to their own opinions and views. Always try to have your money working for you no matter what sort of market conditions…
Quote: Originally Posted by melgross Pundits give their opinion. They are designed to elicit controversy. They are simply part of the entertainment world. I accept them as such, which is why it doesn't bother me. As long as someone doesn't …
Quote: Originally Posted by cygnusrk727 And now the #1 PC weenie in the world is admiting he likes Macs....And recommends them to other people. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2162397,00.asp Apple is a rocket blasting off. Hey, thi…
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism Thanks for the advice, I wasn't going to do any Options trading until I have a absolutely solid hold how it works. I won't be doing a formal course though, I'm more of a self-study kind of person. Do you k…