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Quote: Originally Posted by Gunner1954 Keep in mind that any radio signal, including GPS or other navigational aid, can be jammed or tricked into giving false readings. North Korea was very good at this in trying to fool US surveillance craft int…
Takeoff and Landing are the most critical phases of flight and the most likely to result in a crash should there be any critical malfunction in the aircraft systems. It has nothing to do with passenger safety. As said earlier, they are just erring…
Why didn't this a-hole say that the story had fictional parts when they were fact checking it? Why'd did he lie about his sources? Simple, because he knew exactly what he was doing, he wanted to have an entire episode to himself on the #1 podcast …
Is it really millions of fanboys lining up to purchase the latest gadget for bragging rights? That may be the case for a very small minority, but most of us just like using the device and know that updates just make the experience better. The re…
Quote: Originally Posted by iVlad People should leave basements of their parents sometime and go outside. I know it's scary, but singing birds and fresh air is free. That's the pot calling the kettle black...
Amazing how wonderful this terminal is and I can't believe it was only 30 years ago that it was almost torn down.
I agree, the iPhone will stay where it is. But the iPad is still seen as a "New Year" release which I think may be hurting it's sales for the Christmas season. I know I am waiting till the new version is released to get one. Which means to iPad 2…
I could see Apple actually delaying the release of the iPad till the early summer to fill the slot that the iPhone left. I think there are a lot of people who hold off on buying an iPad for Christmas because a new one is just around the corner. Th…
Quote: Originally Posted by SendMe +1 What he said... +1 again If you don't like the way your phone performs RETURN IT!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by OC4Theo I still can't tell from the report whether installing this update will help or hurt. Anyone has an answer? This update does not change performance. It only changes the way that the signal strength is displa…
Why do people always have to find something to bitch about? Forget all of the reports that people are getting better reception in places they never did before. Instead, Apple should take notice that if I cover up the antenna with my hand, the rece…
Quote: Originally Posted by Josh.B. But what struck me was the lack of any surprising, game changing stuff. While today's stuff seemed (for the most part) welcome and well-implemented, none of it was compelling, and none of it made the iPhone st…
Quote: Originally Posted by Mooso If the developers had to write code to recreate the ability to do something (because they weren't allowed access to existing code), then shouldn't they have had a clue that it might be a problem. I mean whethe…
Quote: Originally Posted by JeffDM The content in question would have done just fine without the video. Now if it's an article about movies or a product that moves (like the car example) and you need to show a clip that's relevant to the text. …
Quote: Originally Posted by cico press ctrl+cmd+D while hovering on a word and it'll dawn to you. Holy smokes Batman!!! I didn't know that existed, what a great feature!
Quote: Originally Posted by columbus You could search the whole of the world wide web and you would not find one person who was eager to have the Apple Dictionary in iPhone OS. I don't know what it's doing in Desktop Mac OS X to be honest. …
I am not surprised in the slightest by this. All Apple software, that I know of, can be installed on multiple computers even if it is a Single User only. Apple knows this, they know that if someone wants to pirate software, they will regardless of…
Apple has already stated the Snow Leopard is not a feature upgrade, but an optimization of Leopard. That is why the upgrade only costs $29. There are no real new features, it just lets the new architecture run leaner and meaner and scraps the PP…
Quote: Originally Posted by AppleInsider ...and (3) pay Psystar's attorneys' fees associated with Mr. Schiller's deposition, this brief, and any subsequent proceedings." Maybe Apple should be stealing a play from Psystar's playbook and seek pa…
Have there been any documented instances of this flaw being used maliciously?