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Quote: Originally Posted by lkrupp Yes, yes, someone's favorite feature has been changed or removed. So bottom line when you all talk about how bloated the old iTunes was you were just kidding, right? As long as all YOUR stuff is still…
I agree with the judge's ruling. On the other hand, I do think that making the back out of glass was a bit silly.
Doesn't sound like they consulted George Carlin on this one. Crash, Freeze, Hang, C***, C********, M*********** and T***...
Quote: Originally Posted by NasserAE Things are changing. This is the age of collecting users information. Instagram business model is to have as many of your pictures as possible and to link them to your Facebook or twitter account. Facebook wan…
Quote: Originally Posted by Orlando The iPad might not offer BestBuy great margins but the killer is online competition. Why go to a BestBuy store when Amazon is usually cheaper? So you can get "advice" from an underpaid 18-yo. Who is now goi…
Could you have imagined this headline in 1997? Wow.
Quote: Originally Posted by addabox Charge rates aren't linear. There's circuitry and software determining optimal charge cycles, to protect and extend battery life. Moreover, battery depletion isn't linear.... Probably you would need someth…
Quote: Originally Posted by jragosta The charge indicator says "100%". But it doesn't say 100% of what. Seriously? Maybe it's 100% of the annual Corn yield of Yugoslavia. Probably it was the picture of a battery which led my mind astray.
Quote: Originally Posted by lkrupp Wrong on all counts. Read some more before you go expounding conspiracy theories. The battery "expert" at the bottom of this is DisplayMate's Raymond Soneira. He notes that when the iPad is left to continue char…
Quote: Originally Posted by ewiz77 this is a joke. How so? It is common knowledge that you should place visual cues on large expanses of glass that someone might otherwise mistake for open passage.
Quote: Originally Posted by Relic ... I have an unlimited data plan. I don't have to worry about watching anything except maybe a letter asking me if I could keep my downloading under a terabyte, A letter which I have received by the way, it was …
Quote: Originally Posted by tjwal I think this patent exposes one of the problems with the patent system. Make the application narrow enough and there won't be any prior art. This concept is obvious and widely used in a less narrow applications…
Quote: Originally Posted by Loismustdie I wasn't expecting a revolution but this is a very easy pass, underwhelmed. "Mom! I built a REAL rocket based on the macaroni prototype!!" . . . . . . "eh." \
All of the people watching Hulu on their desktops/laptops already proves that ultimate picture quality isn't their overriding consideration. Give them a widescreen that's pretty damn good but gives them the interactivity and content reach they want…
10,000 people in vision R&D? Well, maybe that is an advantage. But, Apple has done pretty well with smaller groups, and in some areas with just a single genius designer. We'll see. If all a TV can do is display content (with some horrid …
You're reaching pretty deep if one of your main criticisms of a corporate culture is that they don't give you free meals! Oh, the horror!
Another inventory I have to procure and manage? No, Thanks. I'll stick with a technology where I can get power at billions of outlets around the world either free or for a pittance. For those occasions away from the grid, there are already solu…
Quote: Originally Posted by Just_Me With iphone 4 not being able to do SIRI why would anyone want one even if its free The 3GS is more aesthetically pleasing and feels much nicer in the hand. I'm still not a fan of the iPhone4/4S "cereal-box"…
It's like a reverse Cargo Cult. Cast your belongings adrift and hope that people on some faraway island will find a way to make them useful.
There's far more to the business dynamic than having the Mac Pro "pay for itself", much less worrying that they're "not AS profitable as iPhone"... There is plenty that can be done to the platform aside from new CPUs. For starters, the limitatio…