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  • Quote: Originally posted by Dave Abrey Fellowship, I'm glad to hear you head a great time in Paris. Your pictures brought back some very good memories of my trip there exactly one year ago. At the back of Notre Dame Cathedral, there's a garden…
  • "Giverny". 50 km North-West from Paris ;-) Fondation Claude-Monet
  • Quote: Here is a thought..... What if Arnie is the Anti-Christ??? Think about it.... Nutty Christians talk about an evil rise to power out of nowhere something about the revived roman empire. Arnie is from Austria hmmmmm What if he starts …
  • Witch 'company' ? His own personal business defending his own private interests ? (This is 15 people at max...) Why can't he become president...? Reagan did it...
  • Since Arnie (a person that doesn't has a single experience of politics ? or the simple fact of driving a company) could one day become President of the US (I supose his goal is 'Power' -> he's already rich), witch 'Evil' (or not) country do you t…
  • 'Hope you were not to bothered by all those beatten Jews paving your way in the streets of Paris.. Remember ?
  • Link: Scott goes to Paris, France ;-) http://forums.appleinsider.com/showt...threadid=25512
  • Scott, the question is: What does Iraq have to do with 9/11? And while I'm here... Weren't you supposed to spend your summer holidays in Paris, France...? You talked about that a few mounth ago... Have you seen many Jews beatten in the streets..…
  • A reaction to the article linked by chu_bakka : http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/18/opinion/18FRIE.html Wow ! A very hostile Article... Quote: Our War With France By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN It's time we Americans came to terms with something: Fra…
  • The WireLess Keyboard is actually much smaller than the wired one (and I like that). It's the same configuration as the actual one without the plastics around it. Just the keys. It looks like it takes the same volume as the old (original) iMac keybo…
  • True : This guy is a sick bastard. Unbeliveable how both selfish but suicidal he is. We will all remember him as an psychiatric-pathological case ;-) [ there's already a few one in our long ? yet short ? World History ] We used to have (much) …
  • 'xcd-roast' doesn't works with my Radiohead CD and is a pain in the ass (you know... Java apps...). As for ripping from an Analog source, I'd better use Audio Hijack (wich is what I finally used with my RH CD). The problem is : 1 - It take…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Immanuel Goldstein He expressly stated: ?Mon programme : c'est l'antisémitisme, l'anti-blanc et le pro-Ben Laden?. That leaves little doubt. He otherwise has been quite overt about his opinions toward the Jews... I…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Scott It still shocks me that you can be taken to court in France for free speech. Well, we make a difference here between free-speech and hate-speech. Hate-Speech is condemned here since WWII. European countries…
  • Frankly, who listen to those guys...? Serge Thion was fired from the CNRS (National Scientific Research Center) for his anti-jews internet-publications (That's why he is known; but no one knew that guy before that happened). Dieudonné was a f…
  • Quote: Originally posted by badtz I really hope Apple's font management utility is good! I would really like to ditch fontagent. Along the same line, I'd like to dump PageSender for sending faxes. Not that pagesender is a bad program, …
  • What's intriguing and somewhat unclear is there strategy regarding 'Brushed Metal'... Anodizing the finder is a big deal and, to me it seems they are slowly but surely droping Aqua. This should be pretty anoying for developpers like Adobe or Macr…
  • I can't believe there is not an Apple Logo on the front panel (the grid). This is beyong me... Maybe it's just a proto ;-)
  • So why aren't there real pics on Apple Website if it's real (I mean not just a designer rendering) ??? This is really disapointing ! We love Apple Designs for some reasons: Shape, materials and Details... so posting just 'preview of the G5' sucks…
  • Quote: Originally posted by pscates I currently use Suitcase (because those guys at Adobe never made an OS X version of the near-perfect ATM Deluxe, which I've used FOREVER). Anyway, me no like Suitcase. And, I think I started a thread her…