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  • Quote: Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 No kidding. What in the hell do I care if an Apple store on the other side of the planet is hiring people? Some readers actually live on 'the other side of the planet'....
  • I showed the ads to my wife and she laughed more than I did. I thought the ads were cheeky, not 'belittling'. Not that many people are that attatched to their machines as to get antsy about it anyway.
  • DPI limit on the human eye is significantly higher than the ~200 dpi on the T22. Consider 1200 dpi + printers...
  • The simple home use for this is one computer, multiple terminals.
  • A tablet is an alternative input device, not an alternative output device. This means you need a tablet and a monitor...
  • Also note that some sites have been told to remove the images. They're real.
  • Quote: Originally posted by Existence Of course, someone could have just photoshoped those phrases onto a tiger banner. It seems all the sites that have these images come from A SINGLE SOURCE. Redmond could be anything. Damn fine photoshop…
  • Apple doesn't have to compete on price; they do have to compete on features. Apple can charge +20% because of their market positioning and their reputation. They don't need 3 GHz either - note that AMD top out at 2.4Ghz currently and are able to…
  • Just consider the outcry if Apple had been using Intel chips. Only a 400 MHz Jump in 12 months (13%)!!! Those lucky sods running IBM chips have increased 500 MHz (25%) in the same time...
  • Symmetric Multiprocessor Unit
  • Multiple cards might allow 3D projection at reasonable resolution..
  • Quote: ViewSonic somehow got around the resolution limit for their hi-res VP2290b widescreen 22.2" digital LCD. It uses a TMDS DVI-D connector (whatever that is) for its 3840x2400 resolution (204ppi screen!). The only Mac video card they list to us…
  • Quote: Originally posted by a_greer stupid question for a pc guy: on a 14 inch display, is there such a thing as too high res - as you crank up the res every thing gets smaller -naturaly- and if the tool buttons in an app are too small to s…
  • The vast majority of drawings that I have seen working in Naval Architecture, Architecture and Electrical drafting are all A3. Anything bigger than that is generally an old relic from before I started, or something of extremely large scale with fin…
  • For technical and artistic work, rather than A5, try A3 size. A5 is pointless for any significant artistic / CAD work. A3 on the other hand would be almost ideal. Preferably with a high density resolution (150 -200 dpi), pro graphics card featu…
  • Nvdia's higher end professional cards will run those 3840x2400 monitors.. they take two dvi feeds though.
  • Same issue with currency differences can be seen with the rest of the equipment they sell. You would think they would take advantage of the (unfortunate and continuing) rise in the dollar to be more price competitive..
  • I don't think there need to be a separate line for a 'mini' G5. Take the current Powermac line, and for the next revision simply make the low end version a cut down one. Leave just 1 AGP/1PCI-X for expansion. Trim the processor bay down to a sin…
  • Quote: HOW THE HECK CAN YOU ACCESS TO THE LIST WITHOUT THE NDA-PASS???? Because the password is posted on the entrance page to it? One possibility is you have the wrong list...
  • Quote: Quote: In the name of "equal rights" and "fairness," advocates would agree to this further limiting of a woman's right to choose. I don't. It doesn't. I think part of the issue here is that there are factors other than simply 'lega…