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  • Wait wait wait... youre telling me that CompUSA has the new powermac on display right now??? Now I'm not doubting you, but they must really NOT want to sell any PMG4's for a few months. Anyone else have CompUSA's/other retailers with g5's on disp…
  • Did anyone happen to see SJ on CNBC this afternoon? If so how was the interview??? Dangerous. Joe Dangerous.
  • Gateway's always bugged me ever since my old high school ditched our Mac-only setup for Gateway 2000 crapchines. i also can't stand their ads, I find them repulsive, and their machines look as bad as the Dell enclosures. Then theres the model …
  • I just got an idea. Every AA poster/lurker pledges themselves to go get a prat time job at CompUSA or Frys as Apple salespeople. So we just work there weekends, or nights, or during the day if you already have a nightjob. But see what we do is th…
  • Keep in mind how lousy customer service is at some of the chains stores/mega outlets that Apple sells, namely CompUSA and Fry's. I've noticed CompUSA salespeople have gotten better (they actually seem to have gone through an Apple training class- I…
  • Ohhh man! As much as I love my A500 and have been rooting for them over the past few years (I even went to AmigaCon back when it came here in 1998), that GUI is something ELSE!! Well, at least it looks better than Windows XP... BTW, were'nt all…
  • Thanks for the link. I predict Apple will earn a small profit of perhaps $21.3 million. If they actually *do* announce a $21.3 million profit on Wednesday, I think all the AI mods to chip in and buy me a 12" powerbook. Thats REASONABLE....... …
  • Thanks for the link, I guess we'll find out how the holiday season went shortly. Anyone caution a guess? I still think Apple is the best positioned computer maker in this economic climate. I mean, who else is really, truly investing and actually …
  • I'm using 2.1.2 on my beloved iMac DV. Actually, what I've found is that editing the images in iPhoto allows them to be "ungreyed" out in iMovie, and hence, imported. Weird, but at least I can get my dang images in. Now if only I could import oth…
  • Well its now been several hours and a couple of restarts, and everything is working fine. As soon as I zapped my PRAM, the screen came on A-OK. Still, I have no idea what happened, or why the PRAM would affect this. Dangrous. Joe Dangerous.
  • Well looks like resetting the PRAM worked for me. Thanks anyway!
  • Okay. I'm now the proud owner of a crossover cable. However I still have the same problem as before. OS X and the Compaq can't seem to recognize each other. The only sense I get that the Mac even knows there is a cable plugged in is the "initial…
  • So I take it this "CAT-5 patch" cable won't cut it, then? I'm really looking for a direct-to-PC solution here, otherwise I'd go with the hub idea. When I return my cable tomorrow, then, should I look for one designated "crossover cable" or some ot…
  • I'm using an older CRT iMac- the 400MHz G3. When I connect the two machines and open the "Connect to server" dialog in Finder, no devices are displayed. Dangerous. Joe Dangerous.
  • Given how aggressive Apple's been about pricing lately, (I think the 12" PB and $999 iBook show that, not to mention the new $20" display), I'm wondering if something is actually forcing them to keep these prices up? Apple's days of 50% margins ar…
  • I for one expect a price drop within the next month. Response to the current update has been absolutely terrrible. Don't think Steve won't notice. Dangerous. Joe Dangerous.
  • Apple will always have a 12" iBook, and I think you can take that to the bank. Sure its great for young students, but don't forget how important design is to young adults all over the world, perhaps more so outside of the U.S. (read: Japan). And a…
  • Spiffster, Im a fan of the idea myself. Yet tablets run the risk of trying to do too much (I may be setting myself up for a flame here). On the one hand, I can see how giving the tablet this functionality fits in with this idea (it wouldnt *have* …
  • Thanks to the poster who pointed out that an all-screen FF could negatively impact tactile response (whoa! too much donald rumsfeld lately ;-)... However I think this only becomes a major problem if we're dealing with something the size of the Ti…