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Thanks for your input, guys! After looking at some benchmarks and seeing how the G3 compares to the G4 and talking it over with a good friend of mine who migrated to X back when it first came out (and who's been doing some serious number crunchin…
First: Thanks for all the input so far... [quote]Originally posted by Agent69: Classic is a virtual MacOS 9 machine layer that does work fairly well for most classic applications. Troublemakers are usally poorly coded apps, apps that cheat …
thanks for the info, kraig911... If I understand correctly, "Classic" is an environment in which you run OS 9 apps when you have booted up OS X. Does this 'Classic" environment work regardless of whether your machine is able to boot in OS 9 or not…
[quote]Originally posted by Scott: Geting your "I told you so" out there up front huh? I really, really hope this will never happen in North America. But I think this may be the next level of attacks, should the situation escalate. And at …
Invest in companies that manufacture metal detectors. Every mall, movie theater, etc. will purchase them after the first suicide bomber attack... [added] I guess you suggested "blockbuster" for similar reasons? Quote: Retired general Wesley Cl…
I recently took out a couple of DVDs with earlier episodes from the local library (I believe they were 2nd season), and noticed that things were much slower paced back then. Not so much happening so fast... Great episodes, both new and old. I ten…
[quote]Originally posted by InactionMan: Who's going to be shipped out? What teams are going to make big deals? I expect the Rangers to try to buy their way into the playoffs. Kovalev won't be enough for them. My dreams of Iginla in the Blue an…
[quote]Originally posted by zKillah: Hmm,.. So not having the opinion that you might identify with printed on the front pages of your ?main stream? propaganda outlets constitutes a lack of free speech? You should have let your $0.02 slid down th…
btw, in the official statement after the emergency meeting of the European Union yesterday, the heads of states of the EU acknowledge that the "amassing of U.S. troops in the middle east contributed significantly to being able to resume U.N. weapons…
[quote]Originally posted by groverat: Anders/Bunge: Please do not act like your real cause is to protect Iraqis. They die by the thousands already without war. Keep ignoring that, I guess, because that's the result of playing the diplomatic g…
[quote]Originally posted by Randycat99: This strikes me as being in the category of "emotional plea". Experiencing war firsthand certainly gives exclusive faculty over how bad war is. It doesn't automatically engender you with special knowledge/w…
To all of you who don't agree that war should only be the very, very, very last measure after all other options one could possible think of have been fully exhausted: You have either (a) never been in a war, or (b) never lived in in a country t…
[quote]Originally posted by Scott: Mother ****er it hurts from laughing too much How did freedom of speech "fall by the wayside after Sept.11"? You'd have to be very ******* **** to think that. [ 02-17-2003: Message edited by: S…
[quote]Originally posted by Tulkas: So long as others are around to protect your freedoms with force. I'm sure this questions was asked in this thread already, but I'll have to ask again: Now who's freedom is Iraq currently threatening? Wat…
[quote]Originally posted by Scott: You think the French would allow the UN to sanction the assassination of one of their best business partners? Get your facts right, French exports to Iraq are less than 0.2% of their total exports. …
[quote]Originally posted by groverat: The U.S. is really unpopular outside the U.S. and even was in the days of foreign-policy-fiend Bill Clinton. Also: Did you know that Clinton referred to Iraq as being part of an "unholy axis" in 1998? …
just a thought... As no-one questions that Saddam Hussein is a f**king bastard who needs to go, why not the following: lift the economic sanctions and not attack Iraq, so Iraqi civilians will be spared. Improve our UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicle…
I just want to add that we went to a local rally here in Buffalo, NY. About 300-400 people braving 10deg.F (-12 deg.C) weather, several busloads of people had gone to the NYC rally (400 miles away). people from all walks of life, short speeches, ve…
I just ordered a new iMac 17"! Mac Mall offeres an extra 512MB DDR RAM for $40 installation fee. 768MB oughta do it, if you need more than that you'd probably go for a tower anyway...? Also got the free printer and USB floppy, free after mail-in r…
- time after an all-nighter with plenty of coffee and various sugary junk food the grime on my laptop keys and screen was so thick, i had to sandblast it off