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  • God Speed
    in LoCash Comment by oldmacfan June 2005
  • Quote: Originally posted by Powerdoc Thanks Anders, the update of the Ipod is not really a scoop. Futhermore, AI announced the fourth generation Ipod some weeks ago. Yes, 10 days ago AI said September. http://www.appleinsider.com/article.p…
  • What I understood of the conference call it was 90nm 1.8-2.5 that were in tight supply.
  • Quote: Originally posted by BRussell The two lower-end PowerMacs may use the 130 chips, but their supply is still constrained according to the conference call. So IBM is having trouble with both 90 and 130 chips? That is what I don't get, how…
  • Quote: Originally posted by TWinbrook46636 No, only the 2.5 Ghz model uses the 90nm chips. The 1.8 and 2.0 GHz models use the 130nm. This has been confirmed by Tom Boger and others at Apple as well as people running tests on the machines themse…
  • Quote: Originally posted by iDave I thought I had seen confirmation that all of the new dual Power Macs use the 90nm chips. Don't ask me for a link. I don't remember where I saw it and could be mistaken. It was in an Apple document that state…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon 'cept that PowerMacs will only have been shipping for three months by the time the 9xx hits. I hate to admit it. But perhaps we're looking at December or a 'big bang' San Fran' New Year update? Lem…
  • The Author is very confused as to what is going on. That said, IBM has had several Power5 Server announcements in the past couple of months. I have been telling people on this board, that Apple and IBM have been working on two different chip lin…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Bancho Sure, but then why would you still want to pay for a quad when you could put more duals on people's desks I know I'm being contrary for the sake of it to some extent but I think efforts could be better spent…
  • If Apple is looking at wireless screens, then a headless iMac is quite possible. If you want the wireless screen you pay the money, big money. If all you want is a Mac, then you are set and Apple gets more market share and the cheapo's are happy.
  • Quote: Originally posted by Existence Except it's not true. The 1.8 and 2.0s use the old PPC970. It's been confirmed several times by actual owners. I have read the tech docs, but have not seen anyone actually state that their new dual 1.8 or…
  • And both come with the same error message, almost.
  • Quote: Originally posted by djmb What do you think will change in the Powerbooks after WWDC? i want to order a Powerbook soon for College, decided to wait till after WWDC to order. Will these changes take affect immediatly? so I can order it..…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Powelligator Folks, I remember quite a few months back that Apple had agreed with HP to produce (or have HP produce) an iPod clone. At the time there was quite a bit of hulabaloo about it, along with all the rest o…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Existence Can anyone tell me what information we're missing? 2200 2GHz G5s ~ 10 TFLOPS 3132 G5s ~ 25 TFLOPS 2200 2Ghz G5 in PowerMacs 3132 2Ghz G5 in XServes
  • Quote: Originally posted by Ensign Pulver If it's not inside info and you're not under NDA then you can, by definition, describe precisely where you obtain your information. Until you do this, your posts are worthless. Well, he does have hi…
  • It has been said before, Apple will not ship a PDA, Apple will not ship a video iPod, what I do believe Apple is working on is an iLife portable. With video-out, music, color screen, home-on features, maybe other features also. What else would b…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Placebo Read the white paper available at http://www.apple.com/powermac I did go and read the white paper, and I can't find anywhere where it says that anything but the 2.5 Ghz machine is at 90 nm. The white paper…
  • Quote: Originally posted by His Dudeness You can always switch to HGTV. Or simply turn the tv off. I'm not tired of hearing about this. I am currently serving in the Navy that Reagan helped build. You know the one, the one that helped the Sov…