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  • its called "driver release" and its O.K. and it depends on your neighborhood. if you dont get it and the dont have a sig. then they are S.O.L. not you UPS wont do any thing over $1000 that way.
  • yea get 2 sell one to me and keep both monitors.
  • SCSI drives last longer? not these dayz slower 5400 rpm drives last longer. a 5400 rpm SCSI drive is a rare thing these days. I have 10,000 RPM western digital that I use only for backups cause it gets so hot I aam afraid to leav it on all the time …
  • dont think bus speed has much to do with heat. cpu speed does. imacs are 100 so they dont step on the power macs toes.
  • " i looked into DNS software but it's a pain in the butt" have you tried
  • maybe they should call it cyberdoog 2.
  • Boot into OS 9 drag all the contents of your renamed folder into the newly generated one that should fix it right?
  • free ! check out ""works for macs with non static ip's and free domains. very use fullfree service. you have a small app that reports your ip every so often (you set it) and update the DNS, also great for remote access to you home computer.
  • coping your AIM preference file would sort of give them you password. the could be some pc hack programs for AIM. just my 2¢. try chaging your password.
  • SCSI drives last longer? not these dayz slower 5400 rpm drives last longer. a 5400 rpm SCSI drive is a rare thing these days. I have 10,000 RPM western digital that I use only for backups cause it gets so hot I aam afraid to leav it on all the time …
  • what mac is it? get another 512M of memory if its a beige or newer OWC about $80(or at least a 256M dimm).make sure you have a fast drive, and a rage 128 or newer vid card for best performance.
  • what model CD drive is it you might try setting it slave or master move it around from what it is. it should install biege G3 w G4 will have problems when selecting X as a start up disk it wont for me you have to use "system disk" control panel it …
  • I have a 256k if you want it.
  • you can do 1600x1200, just noy @32bit. no Gforce 2 has worked in a biege, the have been reported workings in blue and white and newer cards. go for a radeon 7000. and if you use 9 only get a voodoo 3. good luck
  • Open them in quicktime player select the first song (use the tiny triangles (if you have never done it before)) copy oer cut,new player, paste, name it, do the next. when your done use itunes to fill out the I.D tags if you want. May need quickti…
  • no comment. well ok your talking about portable music mp3 is not that bad. the other day for grins I mad an mp3 cd (the all of soundgarden 4.5hrs), stuck it in my DVD player played a couple soundgarden tunes then stuck the real CD and I the differen…
  • [quote]So, NO fan is needed!? no active cooling? /QB] not in my case but I have now mounted a fan and can do 666Mhz ok. if this chip was in a blue and white @ 650 it would out perform either 733 I think. anyway the guy was asking about zif …
    in ZIF G4 Comment by bernard June 2002
  • Think Powerllogix got a 533/550 from OWC for ~$280.00 runs fine at 625/250 with no fan runs good @ 666 too just have USB problems fan and thermal compund might fix that? they are the only ones using the 7410 small less power consuming G4 and Sonnet …
    in ZIF G4 Comment by bernard May 2002
  • RCA out works for me on a/v card just no input?
  • easy: it has for slots for 1024k only vram dimms. if you have 2 filled then you have 2, 4 filled you have 4. if you dont have 4 and need more buy a PCI vid card and dont waster oyur money on the ram dimm's.