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  • Quote: Originally posted by Leonis G5 with a 15" LCD....doesn't make any sense Exposé.
  • Quote: Originally posted by kraig911 Is the volume set too high in Imovie possibly? Do you have any special settings you want to keep or can you delete the Imovie preferences out of the library folders? I am at a loss, I think the internal Mi…
  • Quote: Originally posted by groverat BuonRotto:I'm back-pedaling by re-posting something I said earlier in the thread after you accused me of saying the opposite? I said Apple has been milking the 1984 innovation for two decades and I'm 100% r…
  • Quote: Originally posted by GardenOfEarthlyDelights What's Steve's definition of "by the end of the year"? December 31, 2003? Not a G5 question, but can't hurt to ask. I would guess and shoot for an announcement on Panther availablility at the…
  • Nobody has any idea?
  • What a moron you are, do you not get the implied message that Steve is sending the world? He wants everyone from analysts, the user base, the normal PC user, Bill Gates, and anyone and everyone in between to see that Apple is serious about what they…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Brad It's just one tape. When it gets to the end, hit rewind, record again. Surely you've got a measly $5 to spare. No? Haha, Brad! What if this man really is as poor ar he implies with a statement like that? W…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Power Apple good question! It's probably not much higher than the G4, since it was always mostly a measure of AltiVec performance Yeah, if it is just a measure of AltiVec performance then the numbers should probabl…
  • TW and Applenut are both correct. I think people here should be less evangelist oriented in their methods of arguments. TW and Applenut are just being the classic Mac user. They want and expect more, as we all should...for this is what sets Mac user…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Eugene Holy shit it's Macintosh! Indeed he is risen.8)
  • Size and camera position matter, for $149...I think I might just buy one.
  • Make sure you both have broadband connections, the proper mic may not be selected, and check your settings again. Thats all I can think of?\
  • Quote: Originally posted by Artman @_@ [B]None of this subtle miandering bullshit advertising...real details and real deals. I think that Apple could do this. They just have to adapt to a new marketing scheme and provide the deals/details the …
  • Quote: Originally posted by AppleLuva I don't think it's necessarily waving the flags of war at Microsoft as it is more a way of reaffirming that they are the real innovators. I know I'm personally tired of hearing Microsoft squawk that they are…
  • Quote: Originally posted by rageous Don't mistake what I'm saying. I have no problem with the new G5. i think it's amazing. My point is Apple is bent on not having one machine step on another ones turf, and once they get the faster G5, I think…
  • I think it would be better for Apple to give away an iSight with every Mac from now til Christmas, it isnt as expensive as the iPod and delivers more realistic functionality.
  • Quote: Originally posted by rageous I think one thing is holding them back, and that's an even faster G5.
  • Well, I think the problem of auto shut off's has been is a simple solution actually. Just pop in a tape for the specific purpose of iChat A/V and press record. The camera wont shut off and the tape will just get used up and once it is, re…
  • 15" 800MHz iMac w/ SuperDrive 512MB RAM 60GB hard drive Speakers SuperDrive OS X 10.2.6 15" display 800MHz 32 MB Geforce 2MX $700???
  • G5's as specified by Apple. All shipping immediately. Panther Shipping In August. iChat new version. G5 PowerBooks.