red oak


red oak
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  • Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities

    shrave10 said:
    hexclock said:
    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Reducing the corporate tax rate to compete with other countries allowed  US companies to repatriate billions of dollars back to the United States. 
    According to the CBO those tax cuts increased federal tax revenue because the economy grew. Inflation came from all the crazy spending congress has done over the last few years, starting during the pandemic. 
    There will always be spending need but this doesn't account for jump in inflation.  Recent jump may be proving stubborn because of money printing during pandemic coupled with increasing trade deficit with a certain manufacturing monopolist country > increased money printing each year to help cover deficit.  Trump thinks he can deal with the problem by raising tariffs and letting the average consumer pick up the tab.  Biden thinks the better way is to raise taxes on the very wealthy and corporations and use these revenues to fund U.S. jobs.  Biden's approach hurts the average consumer less and makes more sense.  Plus, Biden is encouraging friend-shoring of manufacturing out of China while Trump has come out against friend-shoring for some weird reason he is not disclosing.  All the while he maintains his personal bank account in Hong Kong.  Biden has no personal bank account in HK. 
    macxpress said:
    Fred257 said:
    Trump is going to lose in an absolute landslide. Both candidates are senile. Is this the best as a country we can do? Sad…
    One can only hope that he loses in a landslide...the country is very very divided right now. If there's one thing Trump is really good at it's dividing people and being an excellent bullshitter. He's created a societal civil war in our country and it's sad. Everything is us versus them and you're either with me or against me. The country will not be well at all if he wins the election and is in office for another 4yrs. He doesn't know WTH he's doing. He doesn't know how to deal with actual issues. This is why he completely flopped the pandemic. Even people that worked with him says he's really stupid and just doesn't have a clue. I will gladly take 4 more years of President Biden. After Biden I think we'll have some pretty decent candidates. 
    You watch too much MSNBC 
  • Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities

    The 2017 tax cuts that CEOs used for stock buybacks are due to expire. These are the same tax cuts that the Fed predicted would increase inflation. Go figure…
    Federal tax receipts have soared since the 2017 tax plan.  It is spending that is completely could of control that has caused the huge deficits and inflation 
  • Apple's new diversity exec hails from Bank of America

    DEI is a cancer in an organization.   Shut that crap down 
  • Apple users are keeping their iPads for a very long time

    The trend is pretty clear estimating iPad unit sales that the average device life is heading to 6+ years.  About when Apple stops software upgrades

    Same thing I believe is happening with Macs.  7+ average life 

    Best thing Apple can do is keep adding new users to the installed base.  Eventually, units sales will increase as the average device life plateaus 
  • Analysts mostly nonplussed by DoJ suit, and believe Apple will win

    Amazon’s antitrust trial stats Oct 2026.   Real possibility Apple’s does not start until 2027 -  3 years from now.    Plus year in appeal process.   Ultimately to Supreme Court if necessary.   This will be a 4-5 year journey 

    In meantime, Apple is already or will move forward addressing the “Top 5” issues the DOJ put in their filing,

    1 -  Messaging.   Already announced will roll out of RCS.  And, the encryption standard when ready
    2 -  Cloud Gaming.  I believe Apple already announced support
    3 -  NFC.  Apple can easily allow 3rd party access to NFC, like it just did in EU.  All the plumbing is already built
    4 - Smart Watches.  Apple can easily create some new APIs that allow 3rd party watches more access to iPhone  
    5 - “Super Apps” -  Not sure what this means.  But Meta is trying to do this anyway 