avon b7


avon b7
Last Active
  • Review: 2017 MacBook Pro fulfills the promise of the line's redesign

    One at a time:

    1 - Not just Mr. Ive. The majority of the purchasing population.
    2 - A good USB-C to USB-B cable is about $8. A USB-A to USB-B cable is about $5.
    3 - See #2.
    4 - Disagree with your assessment, but I expect mileage may vary. 
    5 - So what? The OS does a pretty good job of letting me know when its charging.
    6 - Yup, palm rejection. It works, too.
    7 - The illuminated Apple logo was from light bleed on the old screens. I'm not certain why this is a failure.
    8 - See also #1, and Kaby Lake's limitations in this regard, that we've been telling you all about for eight months.

    You know full well that Apple doesn't have meetings to see who they can piss off next. They have meetings on how to advance what the company wants, while at the same time, retaining or growing its user base.

    I get what you want, and why you want it. I'm not saying that I don't want some things that the machine doesn't have.

    But -- one more time -- We are not Apple's target market anymore, and they owe us nothing. 

    Be mad. Tell Apple corporate what you like and what you don't -- you are doing that, right, and not just howling into the void or venting at Apple retail people? 

    Just don't expect them to bend to your will, or decide that the 1% of the 12% deserve more than 0.001 percent of Apple's attention.

    Apple made a promise in the line's refresh, and it refined it in this iteration. It just didn't make that promise to you.
    jdw said:
    Fulfilling the promise?

    Let's see...
    • Smaller battery to make the case as thin as Mr. Ive alone wanted
    • No internal SD card slot, necessitating the need for a stupid dongle
    • Not even 1 legacy USB-A connector, necessitating the need for another dongle or adapter
    • No MagSafe = NotSafe
    • No LED on power connector
    • Trackpad so large you need extremely advanced palm rejection to make it usable
    • No illuminated Apple logo on back
    • Still no 32GB of RAM
    Your first point on the buying population got me thinking.

    I commute. Three hours a day and I see a fair amount of laptops on the train both from workers and tourists. In the seven months since release, I have yet to see a new MBP in the wild. Although it doesn't demonstrate anything it shocked me all the same. It just hadn't clicked until now and I always pay attention to this kind of stuff.

    I wonder if other people are seeing similar small or non existent sightings.
  • WWDC silly season grows with seemingly baseless analyst speculation

    I agree that resolution is extremely overrated.

    I have a non-HD screen that beats any FullHD screens I have seen to date.

    A lot of my SD content​ also looks amazing when compared to the same content in FullHD.

    My screen is a 42 inch plasma.

    There are many reasons for this kind of situation but the video processors in the set, the colours, contrast and ultimately the quality of the compression all play a part.

    4K will become the norm but a lot of our content will be at varying resolutions and how the TV handles that is vital.

    My biggest criticism of ultra HD screens is excessive sharpness and clarity for native resolution film. When someone tells me to look at the detail in the image quality I compare it to how things look in the real world and more often than not I find the onscreen image in some way unnatural.

    Maybe I'm too old already and one day I will have a 4K screen sitting in my living room but I'm sure I will miss my plasma.
  • EU levels $122M fine against Facebook for misleading info during WhatsApp takeover

    The fine guidelines are in this .Pdf


    They are calculated as deterrents.

    In this case Facebook collaborated, which no doubt helped them but if they get caught again for something similar, the fine will take the repetitive action into account.
  • Samsung's 5 million Galaxy S8 sales far below 2014's S4 peak

    avon b7 said:
    geekdad said:
    For reference:

    Galaxy S2 hit 10 million in 5 months.
    Galaxy S3 hit 10 million in 55 days.
    Note 3 hit 10 million in 60 days.
    Galaxy S4 hit 10 million in 29 days.

    This is the last time Samsung ever reported sales figures for any of their devices. Samsung has a web page called the "10 Million Club" which lists all devices that hit that milestone. Hasn't been updated in some time.


    Agreed..Samsung won't hit those milestones...maybe not again. But also the Android space has changed there are a LOT more OEMs making quality phones now. More competition......  iPhone sales are pretty flat right now too....
    You are completely correct. The article was written to diss Samsung. That's basically the only reason it exists.

    You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

    Why the fuck do you even come to this website anyway?

    I suppose the correct reply should be:

    "Why the fuck is this website even giving headline space to Samsung anyway?"

    Are you seriously wondering why people are commenting as a result?

    And no. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just pointing out a different perspective. Forgive me for thinking this was a discussion forum.
  • Amazon announces premium touchscreen $230 Echo Show, allowing Alexa to 'show you things'

    If it is ugly or not is a question of taste. It's functional. The angular styling might be the next big thing (again). If they sell a lot of them and the styling becomes tired, it wil motivate people to upgrade later on. Could be a masterstroke.

    Although it isn't my style personally, if I were in the market for one, the white version looks decent in the photos.