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  • NBCUniversal ad exec Linda Yaccarino will be the new Twitter CEO

    She's the CEO in name only. She was hired to sell advertising, period. Regardless of titles, Musk remains the de facto CEO of Twitter and under his control Twitter will continue to devolve into the cesspool he is making it.

    Or, in other words, advertisers will continue to flee Twitter because, really, who wants their product associated with the rants of white nationalist lunatics?
    Above all else Twitter is an adverting platform. Having a successful adverting executive run an advertising company does make sense. 
    Doesn't matter if advertisers won't spend money with twitter because it's such a fucking RWNJ cesspit now (despite how wonderful she *might* be), especially now that they're looking at bringing the advertiser repeller (Fucker Carlson) to the platform.

    As someone else pointed out, what a moron for paying $44B for a platform and turning it into something he could have bought (Parler) for ~$200. Musk thinks he's Midas, the results say the opposite.
    You seem to be reading my comment as some sort of endorsement of Twitter or Musk. It isn't the guy is a complete nob and I'm fairly convinced that Twitter will implode or be sold off at an incredible loss. My point that if your business is adverting then having someone that has success at an executive level isn't a bad choice to run it. She is qualified for the job. Plenty of qualified and talented have not failed to save a floundering company.

    New Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino is a former Trump appointee who follows insurrectionists and right-wing conspiracy accounts and likes their tweets. She's MAGA through and through. The coverage of her should reflect that fact.

  • Truck thief gunned down by owner after AirTag gives away location

    The shooter is a fucking idiot. Why call the police and then impulsively kill the "thief" in a reckless manner before they arrive on the scene? In many instances the pursuers wind up severely injured or dead, and often in jail for their stupidity. Now he's being investigated to see if he's telling the truth that the homicide victim "actually" had a weapon. The fact that there's no mention of recovering one from the scene is telling. And he involved two family members in this dangerous situation, not to mention that his poor aim resulted in at least two other vehicles being shot up.
    forgot usernamewatto_cobra
  • House of Representatives bans staff use of 'high risk' TikTok

    This is frivolous to the lowest level. TikTok is an entertaining tool. Government building is for working. Of course it is inappropriate to use TikTok. But making it a national security issue is a plot by China haters to silence democracy. 
    No, it's not. Tiktok has admitted that user info was being assessed from China. Despite its repeated assurances and promises that that would never happen. There were at least 80 meetings where this was discussed internally. And recently Tiktok personnel either resigned or were fired because of its spying on journalists. Again, congressional and governmental employees should have been banned from using the app years ago. And probably just outright be banned in the U.S.
  • House of Representatives bans staff use of 'high risk' TikTok

    Should have been implemented a while ago. It's nothing but a CCP spy tool
  • Apple Store crash victims sue Apple over '100% preventable' crash

    Not a good look for Apple and the property owners since the back of the mall has several barriers and barriers were installed in front of the store after the crash. Will be interesting to see the negotiations and requirements between the mall owners and Apple for the Hingham location. Read elsewhere (can't find now) that the property owners did not want barriers/bollards around store fronts. Apple has several locations with barriers in the form of bollards, planters, fencing, etc.

    A recently retired Mass state rep tried for years to mandate protective barriers

    In each legislative term since 2013, Carolyn Dykema, a Holliston state representative who left the State Legislature in January, filed a bill that would mandate that barriers be placed between certain parking spaces and retail businesses. Each of her five tries died before reaching a floor vote.

    “When you start paying attention, it’s really quite shocking the number of crashes and the frequency of them,” Dykema said when reached by phone on Tuesday.