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  • Class action lawsuit alleges Google pays Apple to stay out of the search engine market

    California Crane School, Inc. filed a class action antitrust case [3:21-cv-10001, C.C.S.I. v Google LLC] on 12/27/21 against Google and Apple and the Chief Executive Officers of both companies alleging violations of the Antitrust Laws of the United States.
    Info on law firms involved within the linked case.
  • Apple shifted orders from Foxconn to Luxshare to assist $275B China deal

    Just pull all manufacturer out of China.  They will use the money we pay them to build their military and attack us at some point in time.  We are stupid to think otherwise.  All they have to do now is claim ownership of an American company in China and take it and all it’s assets and IP over and we are powerless to do anything.  But the shareholders will cry and ask our average American sons and daughters in the military will be asked to step up and ensure the .1 of 1%-ters keep their share.  We should never have enrich our advisories for profit and we never ever should have exported our superior computer technology around the world giving up our supremacy.  Gloomy picture, I know.  But the world is run by a few greedy families and its all legal and very obfuscated.
    This is bs propaganda! Why would a nation busy producing goods for the world plan to attack in the future? Only a hateful person will use this kind of logic. 
    Africa (Zambia, Uganda, etc), South America (Ecuador and Venezuela), Europe (Montenegro) and Asia (Sri Lanka and Malaysia) are burdened with Chinese loans negotiated by corrupt and/or totalitarian dictatorships that have placed them in debt-trap situations. It really should be called Death-Trap "Diplomacy" as the CCP will eventually make demands on oil reserves, airports, sea ports and other sovereign assets. Some of the terms are onerous. Once the defaults are official, it'll be all over for 100s of millions.
  • Apple shifted orders from Foxconn to Luxshare to assist $275B China deal

    lkrupp said:
    ronn said:
    China will not only bite the hand that feeds it. It will devour the food giver entirely if the feeder is not smart. Apple should continue to diversify its supply chain/manufacturing partners. It just has to be smart, highly involved in every aspect and never lose sight of its values. Profit isn't everything.
    Who are you kidding? "never lose sight of its values”, " Profit isn't everything.”

    For publicly traded companies profit IS everything. Values and ethics be damned. I remember when actor Charlton Heston (Moses for God’s sake) got up in front of a Time Warner shareholder meeting and read the disgustingly filthy, misogynistic, racist, bigoted lyrics  by rap artists the company’s record division sold. Shareholders were disgusted and angry that Heston assaulted their precious ears with filth. But did they demand that those recordings be taken off the market? Not on your life. Why? Because MONEY.
    "For publicly traded companies profit IS everything."

    That wasn't always the case and as current thinking goes, it isn't the only philosophy amongst companies. Indeed when Friedman spouted his nonsense in 1970, it was met with derision and has been challenged for more than a generation. Consumers will make demands on and even walk away from shitty companies that focus solely on profit. Don't forget Apple was once at the precipice with that BS profit maxim as the operation principle.
  • Apple shifted orders from Foxconn to Luxshare to assist $275B China deal

    China will not only bite the hand that feeds it. It will devour the food giver entirely if the feeder is not smart. Apple should continue to diversify its supply chain/manufacturing partners. It just has to be smart, highly involved in every aspect and never lose sight of its values. Profit isn't everything.
  • Foxconn India workers beset by worms in food, no running water

    Foxconn doesn't give a shit about workers. If they did they would never contract with local firms that would even allow this BS to continue. They only care about profit. If they could involve slave labor, they would. Apple needs to find a better partner. This will continue to be a problem with Foxconn in the picture.