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  • Apple developers can't escape the 30% toll, because the lawyers took it

    Up to 30% is standard in class action lawsuits (also take into account attorney expenses, some of which will increase once/if the settlement is approved). Overall, the developers are gaining more than just that fund. The other concessions, especially doing away with certain anti-steering policies, will help app developers in the long-run. This suit is one of the reasons that Apple lowered its cut down to 15% for app developers earning under $1 million. So in that sense, the attorneys already earned a right to that 30%. It would be nearly impossible for individual developers to win. Epic's battle with Apple will take years to resolve, no matter how the judge rules in the original suit.
  • Apple applied list of terms censored in China to Taiwan & Hong Kong

    Winnie the Pooh ain't that delusional. China will not invade or attack Taiwan. If it even tries it would be the end of the communist oligarchs.

    Biden pledges US will 'respond' if China invades Taiwan

    Senior official says Washington's "policy with regard to Taiwan has not changed"

    In response to doubts over Washington's commitment to its allies such as Taiwan following the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden on Wednesday (Aug. 18) said that his nation would "respond" if Taiwan was attacked or invaded by China.

    During an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News on Wednesday, the host noted that China and Russia have had a propaganda field day with the fall of Kabul following the U.S. pullout. Pointing out that China has exploited the situation to make comparisons between Afghanistan and Taiwan, "You can already see China telling Taiwan, 'See? You can't count on the Americans."

    Biden responded by saying "why wouldn't China say that?" He then said that there is a "fundamental difference" between the American stance on Afghanistan and its allies Taiwan, South Korea, and NATO. In an apparent attempt to draw a distinction between the situation in Afghanistan versus agreements with Taiwan and South Korea, Biden said:

    "We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin' bad things to them."

  • Bill targeting App Store will harm consumers & app ecosystems, claims think tank

    No mention that AEI is a rightward corporate puppet of a think tank. Of course they'll side with corporate interests. This isn't about protecting consumers. It's about protecting profits by any means necessary.
  • Police, GreyShift struggle to keep iPhone unlocking tool purchases secret

    Law Enforcement (sic) often applies the "If you have nothing to hide..." mentality when it comes to citizens' complaints about police snooping. Yet they are strident in their defense of secrecy when it comes to issues like GrayKey and similar police state tools. They can't have it both ways.
  • Bribery case against Apple security chief Thomas Moyer dismissed

    Why would Apple need guns to do its business?
    for the executive protection team, surely that means firearms for bodyguards for Cook and Maestri and other senior executives who could be targets for kidnapping/ransom or threatened by crazy/angry people.
    Yes. Exactly. My point was that Apple opposes the use of guns in America... except for itself. Tim Cook calls for gun control, but doesn't practice what he preaches:

    Hmmmm, I wonder if there's a reason why they may need armed security  ;)

    "Apple won a temporary restraining order against a man who allegedly stalked and harassed CEO Tim Cook and other company executives."