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  • Adobe's new terms of service unacceptably gives them access to all of your projects, for f...

    First, a reminder that "the cloud" does not exist, it's just putting your stuff on somebody else's computer.

    Second, a reminder that Little Snitch exists, and should always be used with all Adobe products, pirated or otherwise.

    That's technically not valid. 

    The cloud refers to infrastructure on the internet that is partially or wholly distributed globally. Any service that offers automatic replication across multiple data centers is a "cloud" service. This is very common, and forms the backbone of redundancy and resiliency.

    You can be assured that Adobe's apps are not on "some computer". They are replicated broadly.

    Regarding Little Snitch, fair point, but doesn't really have anything to do with his article, or offer any protection against a license that a user has voluntarily agreed to.
  • Apple's iPhone 16 Pro could have world's thinnest bezels

    This bizarre fixation on thin bezels is... bizarre. Don't these people realize that the bezel serves a functional purpose? Two, actually.

    1. More accurate colour reproduction by creating a border where light can't "leak" into the image being viewed.

    2. Unintended touch. Even with my 13 Pro, this issue continues to aggravate my usage of the phone. I often need to readjust my grip to restore accuracy with my intended touches.

  • Apple's AI plans involves 'black box' for cloud data

    danvm said:
    emoeller said:
    This is great news, and very Apple!

    NVIDIA is getting a lot of attention today for its chips, but in reality it isn't so much its chips that make AI work it is their software platform and its ability to integrate with its chips.    Sounds like Apple doesn't it - and in fact it is.

    Apple has an AI opportunity to leapfrog everyone else by utilizing its chips and an ultra-efficient software stack to process Large Language Models (LLM) on its servers.  This will also allow Apple to take the high road in terms of ensuring that only high quality and LEGAL data is used for its AI LLMs - something no other AI company currently is doing.
    What you suggest of Apple utilizing its processors and software stack is already in place in Microsoft, Google and Amazon with Maia, Axion and Trainium2. A big advantage these three companies have is that already have large datacenters in place, while Apple still behind in this area.  Apple had an opportunity to be a leader in this market, but didn't took advantage of it, and now competition are ahead of them. We'll see what they announce in WWDC.

    Why is it important that Apple be first, or the biggest?

    What has always mattered is the execution... how well the products work. Reliability, trustability, consistency, convenience.
  • No, Apple is not going to delete the Clown emoji from the iPhone

    Isn't it odd that extreme conservatives seem to take the clown emoji personally. Personally I would not care.
    Not odd at all. It's a reminder of who they follow.
    williamlondonroundaboutnow9secondkox2Bart Ywatto_cobrajony0
  • Berlin Apple Store vandalized by Congo activists

    What if it was proven that Apple was innocent in this case? Would these protesters apologize and try to make amends? Do they have that level of integrity?

    How is 70% poverty "caused by" Apple? Making a profit is not a crime. Why not ask Apple to bring more jobs to the Congo? This is not a way to win their attention.