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  • Apple reports record-breaking $83B in revenue in supply impacted Q3 2022

    iPad and Mac significantly supply constrained.  That aspect of the business is only going to improve going forward. The future of Apple, as usual, remains bright. 
  • Vietnamese Prime Minister met with Tim Cook at Apple Park

    The Vietnamese people are industrious, level-headed and very capitalistic, even if the government remains unitary and socialist.  By and large property owners and businesses are allowed to operate in a free market with decent protection of property rights, at least from what I observed in the six months I lived there in 2019.  I was also impressed by the country’s infrastructure development.  Overall a decent place for Apple to diversify its supply chain and  manufacturing base in the region. 
  • Here's what differentiates MLB on Apple TV+ versus regular broadcasts

    chadbag said:
    Hope it works out for Apple. 

    I personally have stopped watching pro sports.  Almost anything else I have to do is more interesting and useful than pro sports on the boobtube.  Bunch of overpaid boys (or girls depending on the sport) who think they (and their opinion) are vitally important to the well being of the world… 

    Moving overseas was the impetus for breaking the cycle for me.  I was a football and baseball fan, but living in a different culture (basketball is all the rage here in The Philippines) and being more active in travel and outdoor activities, like climbing volcanoes, caused me to have a new take on spectatorship.  I’ve seen one Super Bowl in the six years I’ve been overseas, and not a single MLB game.  
  • Third-party apps often eclipse Apple's own on the App Store, study finds

    crowley said:
    Apple has highlighted a new report indicating that third-party apps have found App Store success and popularity across the globe, beating out Apple's own apps in most cases.
    "most" cases?  Seems unlikely.
    There’s 60 Apple apps.  You could manually scan the list and compare to competing apps.  I think Notes  over EverNote might be a case where Apple wins, but maybe not.  Maps?  Google wins, hands down IMO.  Mail versus GMail?  GMail wins.  Pretty sure Books loses to Kindle.  Pages loses to Word, KeyNote loses to PowerPoint.  This is in terms of total users on IOS devices, not judging which is actually a better app.  So far, in most cases, I’m thinking a 3rd-party app is winning.  Love to see someone run the whole list of 60 apps. 
  • EU will force Apple & Google to allow third-party app stores, payment services

    Apple will be suing a lot of companies for diluting its brand image.  This falls under trademark law having to do with trade dress; the concept that a product or service, over time, acquires secondary meaning.  Secondary meaning refers to an association of a product or design, with quality and craftsmanship or other positive attributes one might associate with the brand.  App stores flogging untested apps or apps that violate privacy, etc, will decrease Apple’s brand image.  It’s unfortunate though, that Apple will need to wait until this occurs before suing.  

    My preference would be that Apple greatly restricts the use of its APIs and interfaces such that developers not using the App Store would need to essentially recreate a very large chunk of iOS in order to write sideloadable apps.  Cut them off at the knees.  