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  • First look: Hands-on with Apple's iPhone X

    sog35 said:
    Soli said:
    gatorguy said:
    sog35 said:
    gatorguy said:
    sog35 said:
    gatorguy said:
    Multiply $699 by 40%. Simple enough. 

    Its $799 for the iPhone 8+

    The iPhone 8 screen area is significantly smaller than the X.

    You can be so silly. The OP plainly and obviously was comparing prices between the 8 and the X. For him the 8 will be fine and dandy if he can buy it for $699 , but 40% more for the X not so much.  You're saying wrong does not make it so.
    Sorry bro.  You are wrong.

    This is like someone bitching that a 70 inch TV cost more than a 50 inch TV.  Duh.  Of course its going to cost more.

    Comparing the price between the 8 and X is dishonest.

    Dishonest? The OP doesn't see the personal value for him in spending 40% more on the X, the 8 checking the boxes for the features he thinks he wants. Seems an honest enough opinion.
    The only one being dishonest is Sog with his comment about the screen size means you can't compare the iPhone 8 to the iPhone X when it comes to a purchase decision even though the unobstructed display size is 5.15", not 5.8", and the display width is the same as the iPhone 8 which means that size plays a big part in the purchase decision. Personally, I won't even consider the iPhone X design until there's a Plus equivalency.

    The X screen area is significantly bigger than the 8. Learn basic math.  And watch your tone
    Just to set the record straight...

    iPhone 8, 4.7"
    actual display measurements:  4.69" on the diagonal, 4.092" tall, 2.3" wide.
    total display area: 9.41 square inches

    iPhone 8+, 5.5"
    actual display measurements: 5.4935" on the diagonal, 4.788" tall, 2.6932" wide
    total display area: 12.895 square inches (37% larger than iPhone 8 display)

    iPhone X, 5.8"
    actual display measurements*: 5.8586" on the diagonal, 5.3188" tall, 2.456" wide
    total display area*: 13.063 square inches (38.8% larger than iPhone 8, just 1.3% larger than iPhone 8+)

    * does not account for rounded corners or sensor notch

  • Leaked iOS 11 GM confirms 'iPhone 8' 'Face ID' facial detection, revamped AirPods, more

    Don't want to set anyone's expectations high but could the redesigned Airpods with built in charging led be an indication the airpods will be included with some iphones and apple found a way to leave the charging case out as a cost saving trade off. That will explain the led on the AirPods itself. 
    The charging LED in question is not on the AirPods themselves, but in the AirPod charging case.  The LeD is being moved from the inside of the case to its outside, presumably so that a user could determine the charge status without opening the top of the case.
  • Leaked iOS 11 GM confirms 'iPhone 8' 'Face ID' facial detection, revamped AirPods, more

    ksec said:
    Thanks for killing all the remaining excitement Apple. The amount of leaks coming from Apple's own faults and software is getting fxxking ridiculous.
    My guess is Apple is taking a pragmatic view at this point.  The reason for their secrecy is two-fold.  Primarily to prevent competition from fast following, and secondarily to minimize consumers delaying purchases prior to a new release.  But both those goals become far less of an issue a couple weeks out from the introduction.  Samsung, for example, already designed and introduced its Note 8, and Galaxy 8 back in the spring.  Letting a few bits of information dribble out at this point won't change much.  But why do so at all?  I suspect it's simply a matter of not wanting to continue masking resources in the operation system and development kits.  That could be error prone, and Apple would want a truly gold master of these things this close to release.
  • Apple crushes Samsung in China as iPhone attracts twice the loyalty in upgrades over domes...

    There's a difference between market share of new sales and installed base.  

    While Apple continues to take a minority market share in new sales, it seems they have been able to grow the largest installed base.  This is, I'd guess, due to the much longer useful lifespan of an iPhone versus most other phones.  They stick around and the installed base grows.  The other brands sell a lot more phones than Apple but they mostly can't be updated to newer major versions of their operating system and suffer from crapping out after a couple years, so a lot of those new sales go to replace existing phones that are shitcanned.

    while the pundits bemoan Apple's minority market share, the executives in Cupertino are playing a different game, stealthily taking over where it matters most in the long run; share of installed base and customer satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Teardown claims Essential Phone is hard-to-repair 'hot mess'

    Note: if you find your comment removed by me it's because you have either deliberately become obtuse in an effort to avoid addressing a point of contention with another commenter, or you've become directly insulting to another commenter. These are the only reasons I remove a comment.  If a commenter continues along this vein, I will escalate the issue, which could result in the commenter being banned.  
    tallest skil