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  • US Department of Justice files motion to force Apple to crack terrorist's iPhone

    Tim is Shaking in his boots (Not). 

    One phone = Precedent = All phones/devices no longer private.
    No privacy = No liberty (Give me Liberty or give me Death)
    Apple has taken the correct position on this issue.
    Apple is too big to fail = They will prevail.

    apple headbrian greencalicornchiplatifbplolliverradster360dm3anantksundaramAustinCable
  • Billionaire Mark Cuban says Apple deserves a 'standing ovation' for fighting FBI on encryption

    Apple will not cave on this.  They will make any concession, no matter how detrimental to business, before they will compromise customer trust.  Apple's decision and position are correct.  Steve would have been part of this decision years ago, which will give present management the additional grit if they need it.  Remember Steve's parting advice, "Don't ask, 'What would Steve do?' Just do what's right."  

    The fact that the Government is asking Apple to violate citizen's privacy is all we need to know.  Government has already tipped its had, just by asking.  A Government with operational ethics and rule of law, wouldn't even ask.

    One phone = Precedent = All phones/devices no longer private.
    No privacy = No liberty (Give me Liberty or give me Death)
    Apple has taken the correct position on this issue.
    Apple is too big to fail = They will prevail.

    Imagine a legal situation where a company is defending Democracy and Human Rights, against a Government that we are voting for and paying to do that very job?  Apple is defending us against tyranny and fascism.  This is it.  The entire future of Privacy and Liberty and Personal Freedom comes down to this event.  This is the high order bit.  After reading all the news and comnents, I'm convinced that average American citizens can't quite grasp what is at stake.  

  • Wells Fargo cuts Apple price target as stock hovers just above $100

    Today, US Patent Office granted Apple, Inc. patents for miniature Cold Fusion and Antigravity devices.  During an interview on CNBC, Apple Senior VP of Marketing, Phil Schiller commented, "Well, I can't say whether or not we're building a hydrogen powered magic carpet, but we certainly could..."  AAPL was down $2.50 in late day trading due to rumors of iPhone supply chain softening.     
  • Cook, other Apple execs open up on company's future in extensive '60 Minutes' feature

    This thread proves my point. Nearly every post so far is discussing Apple's taxes. Is that what Apple PR really wanted?
    No.  Apple gained nothing from this story.  Certainly one occasion someone should have asked, "WWSD?"