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  • All of the active antitrust cases Apple is fighting around the world

    Agree with the above comments.  I think these suits have less to do with being pro-consumer and more about the breaking down of security and just dumping on Apple for the sake of fines and jn the case of the EU, bolstering local tech companies.  Unfortunately this skirmish launched by Epic & Spotify continues to play out by copycat government actions worldwide.

    But I have to blame the US government misguided monopoly suit against Apple for adding fuel to the fire.  

    Calling Apple a monopoly is like saying that Taylor Swift has a monopoly on concerts.  She is powerful, yes, but there is always Beyoncé.
  • AirTags used by alleged human smuggler may ultimately provide enough evidence for convicti...

    Agree!  With the anti-stalking software, I suspect only stupid criminals are using AirTags this way since there are alternatives that don’t let people know a tag is following them.

    I misplaced my AirTag marked keys this last week and found them in a few minutes.  In the past it would have been an hour of tossing my home to recover them.

    In the end I hope these lawsuits don’t cripple the device for the 99% of us.  I don’t understand why these cases are just not tossed b judges right out of the gate.
  • French publishers ask Tim Cook to abandon forthcoming Web Eraser

    Agree with the majority here, if the EU is true about a commitment to consumer rights than the ability to remove garbage from a website and not be tracked by intrusive advertisers from site to site should be a priority over the media companies.

    But if the EU’s priority is sticking it to big (American) tech we will know soon enough.  Love the invention of concepts like “duopoly” that governments use to do their thing.
  • This is the best look yet at Apple's immersive video cameras

    Oh gawd, that rig needs to be streamlined and mass produced and honestly this will be AVPro’s killer application but when?

    Honestly even though I don’t watch sports it would induce me to almost buy an AVPro and a MLS subscription.  Would be great to have an AppleTV show filmed in immersion.  More my style.
  • Apple wants all of TSMC's 2nm chips, so they sent Jeff Williams in secret

    This is completely believable, Apple has the funds and between the iPhonePros, iPadPros and MacBooks they should be able to soak up TSMC’s bleeding edge (after all these are the most popular products on the planet).  Articles about TSMC consistently state that Apple takes the bleeding edge and Nvidia follows close behind because they both have the pockets and the need.

    Remember yields will not be great at first.  