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  • Apple's iPhone factory shift has left a ghost town behind in China

    This also speaks to the trouble with the Chinese economy writ large.  I am sure this scene is being duplicated throughout China in other industries.
  • Apple's iPad doesn't meet DMA criteria, but is getting regulated by the EU anyway

    I doubt the EU will achieve their aims of having a flourishing tech industry with this degree of over-regulation and what seems to be mere politcally motivated persecution of American companies.

    The USA should counter this EU over-regulation with negotiation but they seem to be more interested in beating up on big tech as well.  And the EU should worry more about protecting their own industries from Chinese dumping, in particular EVs which are being stockpiled in EU ports.

    The big tech pile-on by governments is starting to look like a moral-panic.  Maybe AI is the real issue they should be focused on.
    watto_cobrared oak
  • Apple's iPad doesn't meet DMA criteria, but is getting regulated by the EU anyway


    Apple's behavior has been absolutely horrendous for years.  The EU (and the rest of the world) needs to demand normal software installation on ALL computers, and that includes iPads, phones, watches, and game consoles.

    The DMA doesn't go far enough, but it's a good first step.
    And whose responsibility will it be when these devices become unbootable and unusable due to software incompatibility?  Just asking questions here since you seem to have all the answers.
    teejay2012williamlondonwatto_cobrared oakAlex1NdanoxStrangeDaysjony0
  • Europe's main financial entity believes Apple's proposed iPhone NFC changes aren't enough

    I just got back from Europe and was surprised about the penetration of contactless payments.  Using ApplePay I was able to use any of my credit cards from my Apple Card to my Amazon Visa to an unaffiliated MC.  My AmEx was largely useless in the EU but it is my daily driver in the US.  So I wonder what the transaction fee for the secure element that allows ApplePay.  I suspect it is fairly nominal since CC companies don’t seem to mind it.

    But I wonder if the banks involved in these complaints would like to have their surcharges reviewed regarding these transactions?

    I suspect not.

    Hypocrites.  And again, it makes one wonder what the goal of the EU is in this avenue of investigation and regulation.

  • Japan to seek up to 20% fine for monopolistic practices by Apple

    Agree.  I also think the American justice department did a disservice to an American corporation by uncorking this pandora box of monopoly hallucination.  And in the end hurting this large chunk of the economy.

    Every nation is now wanting a piece of the Apple.  Looks like Apple’s legal department is going to be working overtime.

    I think Apple needs to launch a large scale PR offensive to take the high ground away from government arguments.  I know Apple historically has avoided this but after the battery-gate class action, the courts don’t have the technological prowess to sort through these issues.