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  • Rumored iPhone SE 4 delayed another year over OLED production woes

    The panels in the XR were more than good enough, I can’t imagine that OLED panels are now cheaper than LCD panels.

    what would be the point of an iPhone SE with OLED panels when the BOM costs as much as an older gen iPhone?
    I can see them possibly going to Touch ID in the power button like on the iPad Air to avoid the cost of a Face ID camera. But other than that, I don’t see the point of not using cheaper parts. Nobody looking for the cheapest iPhone is going to look at the difference between an OLED screen and an LCD and think “oh wow, this looks so much better!”

    honestly I feel like while my 13 was an upgrade from the XR, it really was barely an upgrade. 
  • Spotify cutting off remaining customers paying through the App Store

    If Apple is smart they’ll be pushing out free trials for Apple Music out to everyone via email. I imagine they aren’t willing to target people based on whether or not they know they were paying for Spotify. But I think they could clean up. 
  • Apple hitting roadblocks in Vision Pro assembly

    Yeah this really is meant as a super cool status symbol and a marketing campaign for the gen 2 version. 
  • Brydge brand & IP sold in foreclosure after financial struggles

    It’s a shame. My understanding is they made great keyboards. I’m wondering who the buyer could be. I imagine it’s not Logitech. Realistically competing in the iPad accessory and keyboards market is pretty tough. Lots of people will prefer Apple’s accessories, or if not them then a Logitech. 

    The only other big names in accessories tend to be gamer focused products like Razer. 

    If I were buying Brydge I’d position them as a premium maker of accessories for Apple products doing the things Apple won’t with minimal logos. Keep the iPad keyboards, release a similar version that could also be used with a desktop along with a matching trackpad and a mouse that looks and feels like it belongs with a Mac. (Do an aluminum and black model, space grey, and midnight options.

  • Unionized Apple Store seeks pay raises, customer tips

    I’m 100% for unionizing, and for higher wages. But offering customers tipping options on checkout would be an overall negative experience. It’s not like food services where it’s a couple dollars, at Apple Stores you’re rarely buying something that costs less than a hundred. Also all tips if collected should go to the employee who earned them, rather than a pool. Which means sales would earn the majority of tips despite often being less responsible for the store’s overall exceptional experiences. 

    I think employees should be allowed to accept cash tips if offered or gifts, but I don’t think they should be permitted to bring it up to customers, too great of a chance of somebody thinking they can make extra money by dropping hints to impressionable seniors. 

    Realistically, most Apple Store employees should be making significantly more than they do in all regions. Apple’s stores make more money square foot than basically anyone else in retail.

    Apple should be cutting back on payouts to investors (I say that as somebody with apple shares.) The people in their stores work hard and deal with some of the most ridiculous people and their bonkers expectations of how products should behave.

    At the bare minimum every store’s wages should be arrived at based on a number of factors, how much does a 2 bedroom apartment cost in the area they work in. How does the employee’s customer satisfaction scores stack up. (They should also completely overhaul the way they collect this data, customers should have to type in the name of the person they’re reviewing and if it doesn’t match the employee it should be disregarded (feel free to show them the person’s name on the survey, but if they are giving feedback that will affect someone’s pay you should at least have to write their name and possibly figure out that Cindy is not the name of the six foot four guy who told you his name was Jeff.) this would also filter out negative feedback from people who are just mad that they talked with someone who had an accent or who they thought they should be legally allowed to own. 

    Hopefully this is a union tactic to get Apple’s lawyers to simply say, “yes tips are a dumb idea we’ll boost pay by 2%”