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  • Showrunners of 'Severance' hate for each other is causing problems for season 2

    That’s a shame. It’s such a good show. I hope they can find a good show runner who can do everything and not make people hate working with them. 
  • One in three moms track their partner's every move with Apple tech

    I taught my mom how to use Find My back when it was Find My Friends. She used to phone me all the time when I was at work at a call centre where I couldn’t answer the phone while at work. 

    I got sick of the voice mails asking if I was at work and just told her “here is my location, if you want to know if I’m at work, just check.”

    Am I worried about her knowing where I am as an adult? Nope. She does t have great boundaries, but given that most of the time she’s going to see me at home, or gasp… grocery shopping, it’s not a big deal. Somebody knowing your location doesn’t tell them if you’re hooking up with somebody, or dating or hanging out with friends. 

    And if you’re a married couple, you have good reason to want to let your spouse know where you are. Both for safety, and for trust. This is really only going to be a problem for people who don’t tell the truth or for people who married psychos. 

    I get that if you made a mistake and married the wrong person this could be stressful. But if you don’t trust a person to know your location, why the hell would you trust them to help you raise kids or maintain a home/house?
  • Ron Howard's Imagine jumps ship from Apple TV+ to Amazon

    darkvader said:
    iOS_Guy80 said:
    Their loss and mistake.
    Hardly.  Amazon Prime is worth it for the shipping, Prime Video is essentially a freebie that they throw in.  And it's still got a lot more content than Apple, and it's generally better content.

    I'm gonna bet there are a LOT more people with Amazon Prime than with Apple TV+, and it's probably going to stay that way.

    Apple's big thing is apparently some show about a sportsball coach.  Yawn.
    Better content than Apple TV+? Hardly. The Lord of the Rings show was pretty even though the writing was pretty middling. Upload was genuinely good. Jack Ryan is good. Marvellous Ms Maisel was good for the episodes I watched. And they’ve had a few others that I enjoyed. But they have NOTHING as good as Ted Lasso, Shrinking or Severance. Foundation is certainly better than the seasons of the Expanse that Amazon funded. 

    Don’t get me wrong, Prime Video has some good shows but they’re no where near Apple’s level. 
  • Apple employees fear MR headset could be an expensive flop

    At 3 grand I think it’s gonna bring a lot of people into the Apple Store to check it out, but they’ll make more money on iPhones sold to people who decide to upgrade just because they’re there than they’re will from people buying the headset. 

    I think it feels weird for Apple to launch a device that so many people won’t be able to afford. (Even if people can’t afford a Mac Pro they can still typically afford some kind of Mac.)
  • Steve Jobs saved a long-time Mac developer from an early death

    I honestly did think this was going to be a story like about how Jobs hired an acupuncturist for Forestall. 

    Still though, I don’t think the title was clickbait and I’m not mad that there was another way to read it. (Honestly part of knowing any language is knowing that sometimes you need more context to avoid confusion.)

    Anyway, I’m glad Steve told the record industry to bugger off. There were tons of tolls that did the same sort of things, just worse on Windows. Also, the record industry are a bunch of thugs who rip off artists. 

    Though I do like Tim and it’s clear he is better at managing a large corporation that Steve could have hoped to be… I do miss a few of the different values that Steve had. The iLife apps were super important to him, and under Cook they’re all pretty well on life support. (Though part of that could be that Tim is hoping that by giving them generic names like Music and Photos that they feel to a legislator more like system apps that would be silly to force Apple to unbundle.)

    I think Tim’s thinking is that they want to put more focus on third party developers products which typically have to be sold, and then people will be less expectant of Apple to build great apps for every type of creative activity. (Also Apple sticking mostly to OS development probably cuts back on developer concerns about getting Sherlocked.)

    These days Apple really just makes their various hardware and software platforms, as well as the iWork apps, their associated online services and their pro music and video apps. 

    I feel like if Steve was still with us Apple would have it’s own game engine to rival Unreal, and he’d have punched back at the record labels and launched something that would have helped break the control that the labels had over things… then again I also think that he’d have started an Apple branded virtual carrier… and realistically he probably wouldn’t have done any of these things because they would have been huge gambles that could have blown up in their faces and ticked off partners. 
