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  • Beeper's CEO wants to sue Apple for blocking its iMessage bridge hack

    I suspect if you look at the money of who is funding this I suspect that it’s either Google, some Android phone makers, the CIA or somebody else who has a vested interested in getting rid of iMessage’s end to end encryption. 
  • The slow death of Beeper continues, and more senators want to get involved

    This whole thing is insane. iMessage is a secure network. Apple is doing their job and banning improperly authenticated devices. Apple runs the servers that operate iMessage.

    i used to like Warren before she started telling straight up lies about Bernie during the run up to the 2020 election. At this point I think she’s just one of a number of fossils who are so out of touch with the world we actually all live in and how their inaction affects all of us. 

    Sure you have the oil companies driving up inflation out of pure boredom and greed, but yeah go after Apple for locking a competitor out of the back end that they pay for and maintain. If Warren had her way iMessage would be as full of spam as my inbox. 
  • European Commission grills Apple and Google on app store risks and ad practices

    They should also be asking Apple to explain to them how this requirement that they allow Epic and all these other companies to set up their own third party app stores is going to make iOS a security nightmare compared to how it is now. 
  • M3 MacBook Air update due in March, M3 Mac Pro in late 2024

    It’s weird to see stupid people complaining that the M3 isn’t a good reason to ditch a 2 year old iMac.

    Seriously, what is wrong with people? You wanna upgrade your Mac more often than you upgrade your iPhone?

    the M3 iMac is a fantastic upgrade for lots of people with 2015 and 2017 iMacs and older models heck it’s a great upgrade for 2019 iMac owners if they really want to. But it’s unlikely that people will want to abandon their M1 iMacs until the M5 comes along. Even then , I suspect a lot of people will hold onto M1 Macs until they straight up die given how well they perform. 
  • Senator Warren wades into Apple's Beeper fight with irrelevant antitrust rhetoric

    Warren has some good positions on some things, but she seems to think that you can’t become a big player without abusive business practices. 

    Apple may not be perfect but they’re better than everyone else in big tech. 

    iMessage has a ton of security stuff going on on the back end that Warren doesn’t understand. And that’s a shame senators should want to learn about complicated things like security, but she clearly doesn’t. 