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  • Is the Apple One subscription bundle worth it in Fall 2023?

    It’s a shame that they’re raising the price. My wages certainly haven’t gone up 15% since the start of Apple One. 

    TV+ is good but I can easily pirate that. Music is good, but I could also get that elsewhere. There are a few good Apple Arcade games. News+ is terrible, it’s full of ads and half the time it removes the end of the good articles. It’s such a mess to navigate, I find far more useful and interesting content subscribing to a few RSS feeds in Feedly. 

    And Fitness+ is… a bunch of stuff I’m subscribed to because I needed more iCloud storage for everyone in the family. On the one hand I think some of the videos are good. But on the other hand the fact that its scope is so dang narrow is really disappointing. 

    If you look at Fitness+ from the perspective of somebody who is not already working out from home and may be having trouble getting started, all it is is the most boring version of YouTube. There should be stuff in there like you list what fitness equipment you have (free weights, stationary bike, rower, elliptical, etc.) you tell it what your goal is, and the. You could have it help create workout plans for you.

    there’s just so much that Fitness+ should be doing to justify its price tag, and it’s like the team behind it has no idea how to improve it. (Or maybe it’s seen as something that is already a cash cow that just needs the same old investment in.)

    At this point I’m looking at dropping us down to the Family Tier to ditch the dead weight services and just adding on the cost for an extra 200 gigs. 

    I just have to clean out the iCloud space of our biggest family user… then clear out some of mine… and then probably give an ultimatum to a friend who I think isn’t really paying attention to what is and isn’t taking up their iCloud storage. 
  • Next 12.9-inch iPad Pro will be downgrade, says extremely unlikely report

    I could see them doing an LCD if they were making a bigger iPad Air. 
  • Competing rumors cast doubt on October iPad update

    I imagine part of it could depend on what inventory levels are like. They really only need to dump the 9th gen iPad for Europe. Other than that they’re fine. The iPads are still head and shoulders ahead of what’s available in  Android land. 

    Still I sold my iPad 9th gen to a friend because his daughter needed one and I figured it’d be an excuse to buy me a new one. Do I really hope they release something new sooner than later. 

    Still the M1 is still way more powerful than the Air’s target customer needs. Still if they do have an M3 lined up for the iPad  Pro in the spring they might do it as they left the Pro and Air on the same chip together for six months before. At the same time they may have decided that’s a bad idea and may be waiting for the M3 before they release the M2 in the Air. 

    Also I’d be surprised if they did an M3 Pron in the Spring given that that would make it one of the first devices with M3. 
  • Apple's rumored iPad event could take place on Tuesday

    macxpress said:
    Afarstar said:
    I want M3 iMac - NOW!
    What is an M3 Mac going to do what the current ones don't? 
    Be supported for two more years.
    With Sonoma, Apple just dropped support for the Intel iMacs that came out in 2017 which means the oldest iMacs that can run Sonoma are the 2019 models which is kind of insane. 
  • Apple plans to update iPhones in-store without opening the boxes

    I suspect this will also have a MagSafe pad on it to ensure the device doesn’t loose charge while it’s updating. I also suspect that it will have a way to communicate to the pad that the phone has successfully updated. 