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  • Apple's new iCloud+ tiers are too much for consumers, too little for professionals

    It’s important to remember that Apple doesn’t always want to own every market that they’re they got rolled when Amazon cried antitrust over the Apple Book Store and if you notice Apple Books now gets the bare minimum in order to keep it number 2 in the market because they know if they ever fairly compete with Amazon again, Amazon will bribe people at the DOJ again. 

    Likewise with cloud storage, in a lot of cases Apple is essentially outsourcing their backend to Google or Amazon or somebody else, so they have no reason to want to steal customers from them.

    ICloud storage is primarily used for phone and iPad backups, as well as for iCloud Photo Library. It may also be used for things like storing large amounts of files in iCloud Drive.

    Typically you’re only going to see somebody using more the. 2TB if they’re sharing with family or shoot in RAW and use the photos app and iCloud Photos for managing their library. 

    Previously if you wanted more than 2 TB you needed to pay 30 extra for Apple One Premier. So compared to that, this is a great option. 

    Apple may some day come up with cloud integration for Final Cut Pro and Logic, but I kind of doubt it coming any time soon. Those use cases still benefit from local storage. I wouldn’t be surprise though if this is a precursor to enabling full blown iCloud Backup for for Macs. 
  • iPad Air refresh could skip event for press release launch instead

    If there’s no M3 which wouldn’t surprise me, then that would mean no iPad Pro refresh, no Max refresh unless the iMac was going to get M2. Everything else has already been refreshed.
    it does seem a little weird to have a whole event to spec bump the 10th gen iPad and the Air. So unless they’re totally overhauling the Air with something like Face ID. I wouldn’t be surprised if we only got one event this fall. 
  • Russia bans officials from using iPhones in U.S. spying row

    100% this is because Russia can’t hack their own employee’s phones and Putin wants to know who is plotting to take him out. 
    There are no other phones that Russia could be giving all these people that would be more secure than an iPhone. Certainly none that wouldn’t be affected by sanctions. 

    And using Android just makes them all a much easier target.

    100% this is because Putin wants to be able to read all the unsecured texts etc. 
  • Apple TV+ gains 54 Emmy awards, led once more by 'Ted Lasso'

    Bad Sisters was so good!
    I’ve tried to get into the Leoblem with Jon Stewart, but I honestly find the format kind of frustrating. It feels much less timely than the Daily Show did. I think the hope is that they’re making more ever green content because it’s not referencing the current news as much. But it also makes me feel like it’s less important to watch as soon as it airs.

    I feel like they could possibly fix it by simply including a monologue and a ‘this week’s topic’. Of course I suspect the format it’s in now is probably because they use the same audience for a bunch of episode, and do multiple panels either the same day or week. 

    Either way, I really would appreciate moving back to a format where Jon actually comments on the current news rather than digging into complex problems that the American people don’t have the will to fix. 
  • 'Apple Music' can't be trademarked, says appeals court

    I mean they could literally just go back to using the name iTunes. 