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  • Apple's mysterious WWDC 2016 announcement: What does it mean?

    I'm hoping it's "Apple-VR", Apple's new VR headset, VR development API, and VR App Store.
  • Apple, Google workers among top donors to Bernie Sanders campaign

    volcan said:
    mike1 said:
    Personally, I don't want to live in a world where college is free. I do not want to pay for your kid to go to college nor do I want to pay your doctor bills. Nothing is free, somebody is paying for it. Rather it not be me.
    You might have selfish attitudes now, but at some point you may need the charity of others. You reap what you sow. Helping others benefits humankind, or perhaps you don't want to be part of that clan.
    You are not describing "charity".  Charity is voluntary.  When government confiscates wealth using force so it can be "spread around", that is not charity.  That's socialism. Socialism leads to corruption since it centralizes power in a dangerous way.  And it destroys society's motivation to work, since the lazy don't need to work, and the diligent resent being forced to support the lazy. The result is shortages, poverty, and resentment.

    This all seems so obvious.
  • Apple, Google workers among top donors to Bernie Sanders campaign

    apple ][ said:
    volcan said:
    People who are racist, homophobic, misogynist, elitist or just ignorant assholes are the only ones supporting him. Sorry if that describes you.
    You forgot Nazis.

    The positions of Trump and Cruz don't seem bad or radical to me.   For example, why is border security bad? How is legal immigration radical?  Liberals never explain why they favor open borders and illegal immigration. Instead, they use insults to avoid defending their extremist positions.  Several examples of that here.
    apple ][SpamSandwich
  • Apple, Google workers among top donors to Bernie Sanders campaign

    Socialism is like poison that smells good.  That's why it's always popular, and that's why it always makes things worse.

    Most of the employees at Apple and Google are "the rich" even if they don't know it, and they will be singing a different tune once Bernie starts taking their "fair share". Maybe he'll even declare smart phones "a right" so he can use that as an excuse to nationalize Apple and Google.
  • Apple employees threaten to quit if forced to build GovtOS, report says

    Elspeth said:

    There is no limit to the reach of the government to force you to do that which you stridently oppose if the USDOJ wins this case.
    We're talking about the Obama Regime here.

    The last seven years have made one thing perfectly clear ... what The Regime wants, The Regime gets.
    tallest skildesignr