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  • Despite 9% growth, Microsoft Surface sales remain stuck at around 1M units

    lkrupp said:
    Wait till the DED haters start arriving in this thread. The accusations of spin will be flying like tennis balls at the U.S. Open. But the mighty Microsoft is in great shape. It’s only Apple that is doomed to failure and irrelevance don’t you know.
    Well, Microsoft did actually beat earnings expectations. Companies announce guidance after the previous quarter, analysts chime in, and then earnings come out after the end of the quarter. In Mr. Softy's case they beat those expectations, so this was actually a pretty good quarter for them as far as Wall Street is concerned. 

    The market will look at Apple's next earnings announcement the same way. It's all about whether you miss, meet or beat earnings expectations. 
  • 'Very low' expectations for Apple earnings set up positive risk/reward, Wells Fargo says

    The stock manipulators are out in force I see. Time to pump and dump!
  • Apple proposes flat streaming music royalties for songwriters, at the expense of Spotify, YouTube

    jbdragon said:
    I have one thing to say, FM/AM radio!!!.  Playing music to people for many years for free and still doing it.  Ask being paid for by commercials.  Tell me, what's the difference from over the airways to streaming on the internet.  In fact you can even stream these radio stations on the internet for free!!! 

    One difference is that radio songs aren't on demand. You don't have any control over the song that gets played. I think that letting people pick the song they want gives the artist reason to expect compensation. 
  • Microsoft says Windows 10 will miss goal of 1 billion device installs by 2018

    Why even set a goal like this?

    Customers don't care if Windows 10 is installed on 800 million devices or 1.2 billion devices by a certain date.  All they would care about is how well it works on THEIR devices.

    But setting a goal... and missing it... can only lead to embarrassment for the company.  The phrase "moving goalposts" comes to mind.

    I think it's funny that they are blaming this on the lack of Windows phone adoption.  Guess what... Windows phones were already tanking when they set this goal in the first place!  

    Surely they didn't expect Windows phones to be a big part of the 1 billion devices, did they?
    Let's be honest here, though. Apple has also been setting and missing quite a few goals lately. I'm sure their sales goals for China, the watch and the iPad were a lot rosier than they've turned out to be lately. If it's fair to point out Microsoft's misses, it's fair to point out Apple's too. 
  • Wall Street expects Apple shipped 40M iPhones in June quarter, down from 47.5M a year ago

    Those are all good reasons for sales to decline year over year.  Too bad they aren't the correct reasons.

    Why is it that bloggers can't get their heads around the simple fact that sales of the iPhone in the US are doing just fine.  That sales of the iPhone in all other markets are down 8% to 10%?  And aren't bloggers examining the reasons for that?  Could it be too hard for their non-financial minds?

    Apple has repeatedly stated in its quarterly earnings conference calls that it is struggling with adverse FX headwinds that have forced it to raise prices in foreign markets to protect its US$ based financials

    For those that still don't get it, the value of the US$ has risen about 25% against foreign currencies since late 2014, hitting its peak in late 2015.  This is due to the US's growing (albeit slowly) GDP, very low inflation rate and declining unemployment rate, all signs of a strong economy.  This contrasts with what is going on in the EU, Greater China and South America, so much so that economists are fearful of a worldwide recession in 2017.

    Pay attention to the iPhone's ASP reported during July's earnings report.  A significant drop there will be a clear sign that sales of the iPhone SE is doing very well, meaning that PRICE in slowing economies is the prime driver of iPhone sales, and not form factor, design changes or market saturation boogie men.
    Regardless, it's not as if Apple is incapable of growing in this global economic climate. Other companies are doing it. Bottom line, a nearly 20% drop in sales of the company's flagship product is bad, no matter how or where you slice it. 