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  • US Attorney General 'hopes' Apple will unlock San Bernardino iPhone

    jbdragon said:
    maestro64 said:
    Going dark is not a new concept for the Government to deal with when fighting crime and such. Why do you think why the government is unable to catch large drug dealer and such and prosecute them on drug charges. Hell they put Al Capone in jail on tax violations verses all the other bad things he did. He went dark on them and avoid doing and using stuff which allow the government to track what he was doing. They trying to make this into a new issue they never had to deal with. The only difference it they running into the issue with small time crooks.
    Al this talk of going dark, when in fact the opposite is true!!! While the phone may get more encrypted, people are installing more and more other electronic devices into their house that the Government could use. From Amazon Echo, and Xbox Kinect, to Wifi Camera's, and so many other things if they wanted. Most of this stuff has pretty weak security.

    So true.  The only way to have a secure smart home would be for Apple to get involved and offer a secure encrypted smart home system since everyone else who is offering smart home devices seems to not care about our safety and security.
  • US Attorney General 'hopes' Apple will unlock San Bernardino iPhone

    If forced to unlock iPhones, Apple should charge TEN BILLION DOLLARS PER iPHONE. 
    Make sure the cost is high enough to make attorneys thing a long time.
    After all, they are using Apple's expertise.  So they should pay for it.

    I agree.  If Apple is forced to unlock the phone they should definitely charge an insane amount for the service.   No where in any of this is the FBI asking for this software for free.   In addition, the FBI should hand the phone over to Apple and within Apple's facility Apple would unlock it, extract any relevant data, allow the FBI to view the collected data, then immediately wipe the phone clean, destroy the phone through a metal shredder and melt the thing for good measure.   If the FBI has any opportunity to copy the software I guarantee they will try it and then in their infamous wonder store it on a server and some hacker will hack into their server and steal the software and proliferate it.  
  • US Attorney General 'hopes' Apple will unlock San Bernardino iPhone

    Another idiot.

    Are those thousands of other companies being forced to write a custom OS (backdoor) as well? Or are they simply handing over emails after being served with a court order?

    Edited: Did she also forget Apple has ALREADY handed over what they were capable of? Like iCloud backups?

    Who appointed this stupid person?  Evidently she has been under a rock the past week and has not been briefed of all the evidence Apple has provided of their assistance to the FBI.   Along with the fact it was the work phone which most likely did not have any data on it unlike the personal phone that was destroyed.  
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