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  • iOS 18's slow rollout will phase in Apple Intelligence over the next six months

    elijahg said:
    I really think Apple was caught on the back foot with LLM AI. Only supporting Apple Intelligence on the current and previous generation phones, despite banging on about neural silicon in iPhones since the X, seems more than just an artificial software restriction. I suspect the older AI hardware is essentially unusable to augment a LLM.

    I suspect too that Apple is doing some of the AI processing in software on the iPhone 15 with the less suitable Neural silicon, because all their effort (and therefore features in iOS 18) has been with AI in mind and without AI, iOS18 has very few changes on iOS 17. If they'd announced at WWDC that AI would only be available on the unannounced iPhone 16, there would be a lot of unhappy people.

    That's supported by the silence over how AI will work on the Watch and HomePods which don't contain the LLM Neural silicon, the integration with ChatGPT as they have no LLM worth its salt themselves, and the unavailability of AI for a while yet.
    Almost no one outside tech bubbles and students use AI yet. It's such a small percentage. By the time Apple has this seamlessly working well inside the OS, maybe that percentage has increased by a tiny bit. There hasn't been a killer app for AI yet. Some tools are great, and I use them a lot, but the models will inevitably fail on silly stuff.
    I use Copilot in Office and it's hit or miss. Using it in Canva means I still have to do a lot myself. For coding, I have to check the generated code. Sure, some text generation/summarisation is fast, but it's a tiny use-case.

    Only serving that group is useless, as they will switch from OpenAI to Claude to Perplexity every month when they respectively update.
    There has been a ton of AI/ML in Android for years and we've never heard much about it after the respective keynotes.
  • EU antitrust chief & Apple foe Margrethe Vestager out after 10 years

    >Ireland disagreed with her stance then, and still does now.

    Yeah no shit, they want that sweet money. You won't see Switzerland becoming transparant about banking either.

    That aside, it's interesting reading American reactions to a real democracy with consumer protections and actual freedoms. 
  • Classic 'Marathon Infinity' lands on Steam as a free Mac title

    eriamjh said:
    I thought Steam support for Macs died when Catalina went 64-bit only.   Or was it just the games that died?   

    I used to play Half life 2 and Portal and variations from those games.  
    Just the games. Many games, that's for sure. But there's still a lot left.
  • When will Apple upgrade all of its Macs to M4?

    Who knows. Next SEO article please.
  • Apple forces Patreon to pay 30% of new memberships sold through iOS

    Weird how Apple never explained why Patreon was exempt for all these years.
    avon b79secondkox212Strangerswatto_cobra