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  • Spotify buys podcast discovery platform Podz as war with Apple heats up

    Bombdoe said:
    Beats said:
    With Apple having a 10 year lead and inventing the platform how the hell have they allowed Spotify to even be a competitor??
    On that basis Apple should never have entered the mobile phone business...
    Apple had a hit with the iPhone that was building on a trend. Podcasts have been around for a lot longer than 10 years but are only now being heavily monetized. Apple is seemingly spread incredibly thin, given the glacial pace at which updates are coming out and loads of bugs never fixed. There is a lot of money in podcasts now but the power used to be with the creators, and this is now shifting to the platforms. Apple missed that boat and instead went into 'radio' and made an absolute crapper of a podcast app. Doesn't help.
  • Intel Mac Pro refresh hinted at in Xcode beta

    I'm very worried how much an Mx Mac Pro is going to cost. Given this refresh, it's definitely not ready and memory will most likely be incredibly expensive. Maybe it will have support for external GPU's, even though we don't have much choice there. I guess we'll see a semi-pro mac first, for the price of the iMac Pro.
  • Apple unveils macOS Monterey at WWDC 2021

    Nice incremental update. Seeing as how all platforms are now deeply intertwined, I don't think they can ever deviate from yearly updates.

    Curious how the Safari UI will function with a lot fo tabs, looks much more cramped now with everything on the same level. Guess they don't use a lot of tabs themselves.

    Maps turned into something beautiful, probably at least in the USA.
  • M1X Mac mini will be thinner, use iMac's magnetic power connector says leaker

    Would be nice if we had 2 internal NVME slots. But I guess everything has to be external again.
  • Microsoft confirms Windows 10X isn't coming in 2021, may never launch

    Pretty sure Microsoft doesn't need an OS anymore in a few years. They'll dominate most dev tooling and move most if not all of their products into the cloud, as they already have been doing. I'm pretty sure Apple is keeping MacOS alive on life support because it's the only platform available to develop on for iOS, for now.