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  • Apple said to be cutting iPhone X production in half due to slow sales

    So Apple is going to sell about 50 million iPhones combined, which is typical of Q2 in recent years. There is nothing to suggest that this is LOWER than usual numbers. The so-called Analysts imagined it to be 40 million iPhone X out of 50 million overall, which was never the expectation. Yet another FUD, aimed at reducing the Apple's share price, just before the FACTs come out in couple of days.
  • South Korean prosecutors probe Apple over iPhone slowdowns

    feudalist said:
    maxit said:
    IN this story we just need ONE HONEST ANSWER: why Apple is throttling also 1 year old devices. I don’t care if they are throttling 2+ years old iPhone to preserve and prolong their life. But why on hell are they throttling iPhone 7’s ???
    The peak power draw throttling checks a number of factors, the primary being whether your battery is toast.
    Go into Settings > Battery and have a look. No warning message, no problem.

    According to official Apple statement it's just 3: device temp, battery charge state and battery impedance. So, there is no single word about age or diminished capacity as a reason to engage this feature. And we are talking about ten pages long article. But there is one key sentence to think about: "In addition, a battery's ability to provide power quickly may decrease". This 10-pages long article, actually, is about that. Only that and nothing more. So, according to this statement, throtling is engaged without taking in consideration number of cycles or retained capacity.
    If the battery is new and not defective impedance won’t be an issue. if it’s old and has gone thru it’s rated number of cycles it can or will be. This doesn’t really need explaining. 

    So again, a non-defective 7 will still have a healthy battery unless you’ve charged it 2-3 full cycles a day. 

    When I read your comments, you seem to imply "All that users need to understand about the status of the battery in their own iPhone is ALREADY available in the Settings page, clearly laid out for users to understand". Am I reading your comments correctly?

    The reason why I ask this question is - Apple themselves clearly mentioned that "Early in 2018, we will issue an iOS software update with new features that give users more visibility into the health of their iPhone’s battery, so they can see for themselves if its condition is affecting performance". But you seem to be confident that ALL that iPhone users need to do is "Go into Settings > Battery and have a look. No warning message, no problem". Is it really that straightforward? If it is THAT straightforward, why would Apple develop new features to give more visibility into the health of their iPhone's battery? Where is the disconnect? Did you read Apple's statement before commenting on this topic?

  • China adds to government pressure on Apple over iPhone slowdowns

    jbdragon said:
    All Apple did was normal battery management. As long as your battery is OK, nothing changes. The simple fact is, my iPhone 6 runs quite a bit better into it's 4th year then my iPhone 4 by quite a bit going into it's 4th year.

    After every single yearly major iOS update, the phone gets a little slower. This is perfectly normal. The OS grows, gets more complex, it needs more power. But along with the OS, the app's themselves also grow and get more complex and resource hungry. This all makes older hardware get slower and slower. This happens with every OS.

    What Apple did is allow older phones to work better as the battery gets weaker. If anything, what Apple did is allow people to use and hold onto their iPhones LONGER without having to do anything. Apple shouldn't have to explain themselves when they do this. Again, normal battery management that happens with all devices in the background.

    Doing a speed test, is doing exactly what Apple is trying to slow down, so of course you'll see the worse kind of hit. But it's not real life operation. So many people, really clueless about what is going on, but jumping on the Negative Apple bandwagon over something that's NORMAL.

    Many valid statements, mixed with few incorrect statements. I have bolded the incorrect statements.

    What Apple did is allow older phones to work better as the battery gets weaker. - How does a "slower" phone work "better"? Because it does not shutdown and hide a real problem that the battery needs to be replaced? No, it is NOT better. It is worser because the old phone is damn slow already due to newer iOS versions. On top of it, slowing down the SoC make is near impossible to use.

     Apple shouldn't have to explain themselves when they do this. - Then why did "apologize" for this Incident in the first place AND offered battery swap for $29?

    normal battery management that happens with all devices - No, this particular SoC slowdown happens ONLY with iPhone 6 & later. Not the older iPhones OR Android phones or Windows Phones or Any other phones. Can you please correct me if I am wrong, along with EVIDENCE?

    something that's NORMAL. - No, it is NOT NORMAL. You get a screen-on-time of 2 hours instead of 4 hours - it is NORMAL. Slowing down of Phone - No, it is NOT.

    Nonsense. They apologized and announced cheaper batteries for a limited time for a simple reason: PR. Same reason Jobs gave out free bumpers after proving with evidence that the 4 suffered no more significantly dropped calls than the 3GS and that the signal attenuation was normal when it and other phones were put into a death grip by a meat-bag. They continued selling it as-is for many years to come.

    Power management is normal. General slow down as older devices run newer software is normal. Performing routine maintenance on your phone's consumables is normal. Not doing so is like complaining when your car's old battery fails to crank during winter or summer.

    Why would something become a PR issue, if there was NOTHING WRONG with what Apple did? Did Jobs "apologize" for the signal issue?

    General slow down as older devices run newer software is normal - It should NOT slow down to an extent where it becomes unusable, like brand new cheap Android phones. It should NOT be considered as normal. Then you are holding Apple to VERY LOW standards. Don't expect others to have such low expectations for Apple after paying Premium price. The higher expectations comes with the territory of premium prices being charged by Apple. Nothing abnormal there.

  • China adds to government pressure on Apple over iPhone slowdowns

    jbdragon said:
    All Apple did was normal battery management. As long as your battery is OK, nothing changes. The simple fact is, my iPhone 6 runs quite a bit better into it's 4th year then my iPhone 4 by quite a bit going into it's 4th year.

    After every single yearly major iOS update, the phone gets a little slower. This is perfectly normal. The OS grows, gets more complex, it needs more power. But along with the OS, the app's themselves also grow and get more complex and resource hungry. This all makes older hardware get slower and slower. This happens with every OS.

    What Apple did is allow older phones to work better as the battery gets weaker. If anything, what Apple did is allow people to use and hold onto their iPhones LONGER without having to do anything. Apple shouldn't have to explain themselves when they do this. Again, normal battery management that happens with all devices in the background.

    Doing a speed test, is doing exactly what Apple is trying to slow down, so of course you'll see the worse kind of hit. But it's not real life operation. So many people, really clueless about what is going on, but jumping on the Negative Apple bandwagon over something that's NORMAL.

    Many valid statements, mixed with few incorrect statements. I have bolded the incorrect statements.

    What Apple did is allow older phones to work better as the battery gets weaker. - How does a "slower" phone work "better"? Because it does not shutdown and hide a real problem that the battery needs to be replaced? No, it is NOT better. It is worser because the old phone is damn slow already due to newer iOS versions. On top of it, slowing down the SoC make is near impossible to use.

     Apple shouldn't have to explain themselves when they do this. - Then why did "apologize" for this Incident in the first place AND offered battery swap for $29?

    normal battery management that happens with all devices - No, this particular SoC slowdown happens ONLY with iPhone 6 & later. Not the older iPhones OR Android phones or Windows Phones or Any other phones. Can you please correct me if I am wrong, along with EVIDENCE?

    something that's NORMAL. - No, it is NOT NORMAL. You get a screen-on-time of 2 hours instead of 4 hours - it is NORMAL. Slowing down of Phone - No, it is NOT.

    Good conspiracy theory guy!
    ... It would sell well as a fiction novel because pretty much every word you said was fiction

    Where is the conspiracy theory in my post? I have asked few valid questions. If you have answers to those, please feel free to post your views.
  • China adds to government pressure on Apple over iPhone slowdowns

    jbdragon said:
    All Apple did was normal battery management. As long as your battery is OK, nothing changes. The simple fact is, my iPhone 6 runs quite a bit better into it's 4th year then my iPhone 4 by quite a bit going into it's 4th year.

    After every single yearly major iOS update, the phone gets a little slower. This is perfectly normal. The OS grows, gets more complex, it needs more power. But along with the OS, the app's themselves also grow and get more complex and resource hungry. This all makes older hardware get slower and slower. This happens with every OS.

    What Apple did is allow older phones to work better as the battery gets weaker. If anything, what Apple did is allow people to use and hold onto their iPhones LONGER without having to do anything. Apple shouldn't have to explain themselves when they do this. Again, normal battery management that happens with all devices in the background.

    Doing a speed test, is doing exactly what Apple is trying to slow down, so of course you'll see the worse kind of hit. But it's not real life operation. So many people, really clueless about what is going on, but jumping on the Negative Apple bandwagon over something that's NORMAL.

    Many valid statements, mixed with few incorrect statements. I have bolded the incorrect statements.

    What Apple did is allow older phones to work better as the battery gets weaker. - How does a "slower" phone work "better"? Because it does not shutdown and hide a real problem that the battery needs to be replaced? No, it is NOT better. It is worser because the old phone is damn slow already due to newer iOS versions. On top of it, slowing down the SoC make is near impossible to use.

     Apple shouldn't have to explain themselves when they do this. - Then why did "apologize" for this Incident in the first place AND offered battery swap for $29?

    normal battery management that happens with all devices - No, this particular SoC slowdown happens ONLY with iPhone 6 & later. Not the older iPhones OR Android phones or Windows Phones or Any other phones. Can you please correct me if I am wrong, along with EVIDENCE?

    something that's NORMAL. - No, it is NOT NORMAL. You get a screen-on-time of 2 hours instead of 4 hours - it is NORMAL. Slowing down of Phone - No, it is NOT.
