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  • Apple TV+ review: don't wake up for 'The Morning Show' just yet

    tuba said:
    Based on seeing the first three episodes... I sincerely disagree with your assessment of the show. The show addresses the existence of grey area and nuance... demanding a firm stance one way or the other would not be a true and courageous representation of reality. It explores the grey area that exists in life, which is a very valid, thoughtful and intelligent perspective (and yes I understand it’s a limited perspective given it’s through the eyes of privileged celebrities living in a bubble but that’s the nature of TV). Based on your review, you are missing the entire point and direction of the show. What will be very interesting is if the show truly dives into the grey areas they have been presenting through the first three episodes. It’s our willingness to explore and discuss the grey areas that brings about meaningful perspectives not demanding a stance one way or the other at all times. I feel they have embarked on a very ambitious venture that covers a range of topics that has high risks as they will have to address what will be very controversial subjects (the only way the show flops is by not addressing the grey but everything points to them doing that through the first three episodes) - because in today’s world everyone is demanding an immediate stance rather than exploring the nuance.
    Best review I have read of the first 3 episodes. I would add that Jennifer Anniston's acting was beyond what I was expecting. 

    On a side note, Steve Carell's rolls went from a 40-year-old virgin to an alleged 50-year-old sexual predator.
  • Apple loses ground to Samsung in European smartphone market

    I was in Paris, Provence, and Barcelona for 2 weeks last month. The majority of phones I saw were iPhones. I also saw quite a few AirPods and Apple Watches, particularly in Paris. The other thing I noticed on the trains in Paris and Barcelona was that about 80% of the riders with seats had their eyes fixed to their phone. The one exception was on the train from Charles DeGaulle Airport to Paris, most of the nearby riders had their eyes fixed to my luggage.
  • Apple loses ground to Samsung in European smartphone market

    junior99 said:

    Similar situation and made the switch this year. Very happy with Windows 10 and my pixel phone.
    Let me guess. So your only purpose for being on this site is to troll?
  • Apple's FileMaker, Inc brings back the old Claris name

    CuJoYYC said:
    I still miss ClarisCAD, Claris MacProject Pro, and Claris Resolve, essentially a rebranded WingZ from Informix Systems. Yes. Yes I have been around for awhile.
    I miss CarisCAD as well. Perhaps they should develop ClarisBIM since Autodesk does not appear interested in bringing Revit to the Mac.
  • Huawei's CFO probably owns more Apple products than you

    In a related matter, the European commission called bull on Trump's attacks on Huawei. 

    And, the case against Meng is largely in the same status:   she is charged with violating Trump's allegations and sanctions on Iran which the rest of the world (except the far right) rejects as bogus, politically motivated rhetoric.

    I am not far right. I do not care for Trump. But the Chinese government has been, and continues to be, the greatest threat to cybersecurity to the US. I would imagine that extends to NATO nations as well.