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  • Capital One hack exposes data of 100M+ customer accounts

    You would be shocked at how behind most companies are regarding cyber security.  Very few companies can track real-time infiltration, the logs take a while to go through without expensive software.

    Apple is unique, they use off the shelf firewalls and run an internally developed software package for real-time monitoring.

    Its local government that irritates me.  They waste massive amounts of money and don’t stay compliant.

    edit: partially redacted to not get fired
  • Trump expects Apple to build manufacturing plant in Texas

    We do need beneficial trading partners, but a relationship is a two way street, China can’t be allowed to take advantage of the US.  This isn’t anti-China, or political, just common sense.

    Speaking to the actual post, it would be inspiring to see Apple pull off the automated manufacturing facility they attempted in the 80s.  Even though this isn’t Apple’s business model, it would be a testament to modern manufacturing.
  • Siri 'whistleblower' details drug deals & sex heard during manual reviews

    I call bullshit, location and contacts never get sent with Siri requests.  Sounds like someone wants the public to associate Siri as being as bad as Google and Amazon.

    If you turn Siri off and then back on in settings, a new anonymous Siri ID is issued.
  • Tested: Thermal throttling and performance in the eight-core 2019 MacBook Pro

    I’m surprised that Apple’s R&D didn’t attach a Peltier cooler to the heat sink.  For smaller projects, the technology is available, still a bit expensive but no fan noise...

    One reason for not innovating, the rumored Arm based Macs might not need active cooling.  Apple wouldn’t spend the time and money investing in an expensive solution that could be null in a few years.

    Though they have done it before...
  • Tips: How to get started with your first few HomeKit devices

    I just read in the Washington Post that Siri keeps al the things you say, much like Alexa. Doesn’t this go against privacy policies Apple is pursuing?
    When you turned Siri on, your device generated a random key linking to your recordings, without any identifying information.  These random identifiers are used within Siri only and allow the system to learn your voice better.  After 6 months a copy is made without the identifier and used for up to 2 years to improve Siri overall.  At any point you can turn Siri off and then back on, to generate a new random identifier, restarting the training process.  The Siri system doesn’t even know your name, every session securely sends your name from your contacts so she knows what to call you.

    I invite you to read about it on page 69.