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  • Class action claims all Apple Watches are defective

    I'm wearing my third Apple Watch. None of my Apple Watches have ever had problems like this. This lawsuit is BS. 
  • Hands on with Dark Mode in MacOS Mojave

    So far, I like Dark Mode in macOS Mojave. System Preferences doesn't look right to me. The icons need to be toned down a bit to make them go with the darker interface. I suspect that Apple will gradually smooth out the rough edges. I was disappointed that we don't seem to be able to have only the menubar and Dock set to Dark Mode. Some users may want to do that. I haven't been craving a dark mode on either macOS or iOS, but I see the benefits of it, especially in a darker room. I use YouTube in dark mode. I like it better that way.
  • Video: iPhone X vs OnePlus 6 - Benchmarks

    I don't give a rat's rear end about benchmarks. All I care about is how well my devices work. Do they perform the functions properly and quickly? We see these stories comparing iOS devices and Macs with other products all the time, and none of them matter to me. Just because another phone is faster than an iPhone on some benchmark makes no difference to me. All I care about is the user experience. It's the same with a Mac. I don't care if Dell is making laptops that are faster than my MacBook Pro. Windows is the thing that makes me not want to buy the Dell. Regular consumers don't give a crap about benchmarks.
    mwhiteAvieshekmagman1979olsmejsricMuntzradarthekat[Deleted User]redgeminipapropod
  • Head-to-head: Apple News vs. Google News on iOS

    This one statement sums up why I wouldn't want to use the Google app:

    "Comparatively, Google uses the data it already has on you to populate your news feed as soon as you launch the app and sign in. Actions that can affect these predictions include searching topics in the Google search bar or reading stories in Chrome."

    Some may think this is a convenience, but I don't. Like one of the other readers posted before me, this is a "little creepy". Google released this app only to 
    collect more data. They're not interested in providing a service. At least Apple is up front. They just want to sell us products and services. Apple makes money off of selling their products to consumers and businesses, not by selling my information.
  • How Steve Jobs changed the face of retail with the Apple Store

    I took the day off from my job at CompUSA corporate HQ to go stand in line at the third Apple store to open, Apple Willow Bend in Plano, Texas. This store was designated as "R008" even though it was number 3 to open. I stood in line for about 3 hours. I wasn't buying a new Mac that day. Instead, I bought a really great USB scanner that I used until I got an Intel Mac 5 years later. The scanner driver wasn't compatible with Intel Macs. I started working at Apple Willow Bend in January 2003. I was later promoted to Mac Genius. I left in late 2007 to become an Apple consultant.
    radarthekatchasmdoozydozenwatto_cobraHarrigan[Deleted User]jas99