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  • UK iPhone privacy lawsuit seeks up to $4.29B from Google

    genovelle said:
    nunzy said:
    Google does nothing but steal. They steal your information. They stole Android from Apple. Google is nothing but a thief.
    Very few consumers see Google as a thief. Most believe Google is a generous company giving away free services to the poorest people in the world. You do realize that Android OS is the most prolific OS in the world and used by billions of consumers around the globe. Those consumers are happily giving their information to Google and almost no one is complaining about it. Most consumers would always go with free services over personal privacy. 88% mobile market share percentage is proof enough of that.
    Most consumers have no idea how much they give to Google and will never read the 40 page terms of service agee. Google also does a lot of sneaky things that unless you frequent non Google loving sites you will never hear about since they control search and I turn the internet. Any articles critical of them will be way down the search pages unless you are very specific In your search and sometimes even then you get nothing on the top page. 

    They also hold power over companies because search rankings especially for new agencies and blogs etc determines their visibility and income. Some companies have experienced down grades in ranking for no reason when they are not in Googles favor 

    Just because Android has billions of users doesn’t mean they aren’t thieves. They steal products then give it away for their benefit. They can give it away because they didn’t have the 5-6 year investment in resources to create it. They pretend it’s their idea and because they can control what 99% of their customers see, no one will be the wiser. 
    A better example might be Apple as a car manufacturer, say for argument's sake, BMW. They have a quality product with limited models.
    All other cars are Android. Some are cheap as chips. Some are expensive, like Mercedes. The choice is yours.
    However, the difference being, the non-BMW models track your location, your driving habits, your passengers, where you shop, when you shop, what you buy, etc. They know how much petrol you use, what brand of tyres and oil you use. They know what you talk about in the car. They know your insurer. They know whether you break road rules. They know everything that's possible to know and infer. They know your personality from what you like to listen to on the radio. They know where you park your car overnight. They also talk to all the other cars that aren't BMWs and correlate all this information to work out who/where/what is going on in your life and everyone else's. They monetise this information whatever way they can whenever they can. They don't care about you, the owner, they care about how to sell information about you to people willing to pay for it.
    Some non-BMWs are cheap because of this. Some cars are as expensive, if not moreso than BMWs despite this.
    Some people are comfortable with this, others are not. Most are unaware that this is what is going on.
    Any which way, regardless of which car you drive, bugged, spied on, tracked or not, imbedded trackers in the roads, shops and CCTV are watching regardless. And all *that* information goes back to Sauron who on-sells it any analytica that wants to own you.
    I'd like to think I travel the road less monitored in my BMW, but ultimately, I know they know. Am I comfortable with Sauron and Android cars knowing all this? No. But there's not a lot I can do about it, but I'm certainly not going to buy a car that sells my soul to the highest bidder.