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  • Apple suffers fourth consecutive quarter of declining sales, beat Wall Street anyway

    I used to buy Apple products more frequently but started to wait longer. For example I have a Mac Mini M1 with 16gb and don’t feel the urge to switch to a M3 when it’s out.

    My MacBook Pro 2017 I really hate and an M3 would be the one to replace, but that’ll have to be a baseline M3 MacBook Air because I’m no longer willing to pay top prices and contribute to exorbitant margins Apple is aiming for.

    I wait 3 generations before getting a new phone. They are now capable enough and all innovations feel contrived to keep us buying them.

    If Apple wants to increase revenues they’ll have to give up some profits. They have become to greedy IMHO. 
  • Apple quietly kills off Siri-only Apple Music Voice Plan

    Nobody wants to deal with Siri. Perhaps deliver a full replacement to that terrible piece of technology first before offering a subscription that requires it?....
  • First M3 benchmarks show big speed improvements over M2

    At this stage, I find 20% a speed increase meaningless and abstract.

    To me what matters is: what does it enable me to do what I couldn’t do before?

    That answer on a generation A to generation B basis usually leads to: not much.
    On a multi-generational skip that starts to answer that question: a much better battery life, exponentially faster video editing and exporting.

    Even then there’s the question of when you really go ‘pedal to the metal’ and you find out these are usually short sprints.
    At this stage the baseline CPU usually delivers the best cost to performance ratio.
  • Three M3 chips could land in Monday's Mac line refresh

    Ofcourse the biggest update will be the completely rearchitected GPU and the inclusion of hardware ray-tracing and AV1 decoding, if this follows Apple’s tradition of deriving the M-series based on the A-series.
  • Signs point to Apple Silicon M3 reveal at 'Scary Fast' event

    “Scary fast” is a bit of a spectacular headline if just the M2 is going to be released.

    Even the M2 Pro/Max ones have been released and won’t surprise on performance and therefore a launch of an M2 powered iMac will be seen by the public as disappointing.

    At the same time, there’s a surplus of M2 chips in Apple’s inventory, and any upgrade for specifically the iMac will be a desirable one especially when M2 Pro is offered.
    For an event like this at the end of the year, my bet is on this: M2/M2 Pro powered iMacs. 
    Which means I’ll have to wait for the next revision and meanwhile stick to the excellent Mac Mini M1.

    ps: my bet is on Apple announcing the public version of the Vision Pro with an M3 chip. They will do so to be able to incorporate hardware ray-tracing which will be useful for mixed reality purposes. 