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  • WWDC unlikely to see debuts of any new hardware at all

    Why do PC makers have to constantly release new product? Sony by comparison have released 5 PlayStation models in 29 years. It’s become as wasteful as fast fashion despite all the bullshit talk of recycling materials etc. The irony is of course that Apple products have a really long service life if you’re not a power user. I have had 3 Macs since 1999; ‘99 Tangerine iBook, 2005 iMac G5, 2011 MBA. Will be upgrading to an M4 MBP when they’re released this year and see how long I can keep it trucking! 
    I agree this has become a bit crazy. The problem is that when Apple doesn't release a product every year, Qualcomm or Microsoft will do so.
    And then people fear the platform isn't supported properly and move over...

  • WWDC unlikely to see debuts of any new hardware at all

    Who suggests for Apple to include a camera on Apple TV anyway, while most of us want that device tucked away in a TV cabinet. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️
  • iOS 18 Project Greymatter will use AI to summarize notifications, articles and much more

    It sounds like they will incorporate some sort of a SLM (short language model) that is lightweight and can run on-device for several systems services. 
    For example, just like copy.paste, there will be ‘summarize’, ‘correct’ or what-have-you.
    Which I hope will be part of a better designed UI component for text editing. Right now when I select text on my phone I’m given so many options that I sometimes need to tap 5 times to find the right option.
    Which is a challenging component to improve since it needs to stay out of the way of editing and can only take up a little bit of space. 
    hecalder said:
    Sounds like Siri will catch up to an equivalent of ChatGPT 3.5 but with current information. It’s in the steps for a long due improvement but hopefully from there on they will continue to improve much faster to make Siri as good as 4 Omni by the end of the year. Even if the rest advance further but at least I will feel motivated to use Siri because right now I rarely engage with Siri at all. 
    My guess is that they have a multi-layered process: 

    1. try to complete the request on-device with a simple LLM/SLM
    2. If the request is outside the scope of on-device capabilities, send to the Cloud (which might be the OpenAI partnership that is rumored, and Apple most likely cannot compete with).

    For some functions (1) without (2) might suffice. It is actually very hard to detect whether a request is better off handled by the Cloud instead because a language model will always try to help the user despite the outcome. As a non-deterministic concept it cannot self-assess its output quality that easily.

  • Apple and OpenAI allegedly reach deal to bring ChatGPT functionality to iOS 18

    Highly confusing messaging around AI as of late. It looks like Apple would get a smorgasbord of LLM models, which doesn’t “feel” very Apple.

    We’ll see what it all means soon! 
  • Microsoft's Copilot PC and the M3 Mac killer myth

    A typical AppleInsider rant article. The first reply to this article was someone posting the Surface performance and findings. It would have been better and more useful to include elements like that for a more balanced, open-minded report, rather than just being a sour, juvenile attempt at creating the ‘good guys’ and ‘villain’.

    Qualcomm and Microsoft did a great job. Great to see some competition, at last! It’ll force Apple to take a good look at their pricing strategy and be a bit more bold and daring with their software rollouts.

    The whole “photo copying” argument is a bit weak. Apple has been copying a lot over the years and it’s just how the industry works, how competition works. I see a lot of differences and unique product positioning there. It’s not wrong to compliment the brand you don’t use or like. 
    muthuk_vanalingamavon b7