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  • iPhone 16 to use graphene heat sink to solve overheating issues

    Improving thermal conductivity in iPhone 16 Pro does not mean there is an issue with the 15 Pro. It has performed fine for me. A little warm after processing photos for a day or so, but it hasn’t had a problem easily overheating under load.
    I also have a 15 Pro.  Yes, it's a great phone.  However, depending on how you use your phone, this can be a big deal.  If you need high performance in short bursts, the current design is fine.  If you need SUSTAINED high performance for something like gaming, thermal management is a big deal. There are reviews that measure for this and many Android phones are able to spread the heat better across the phone and maintain a higher power level for a longer period of time.  This IS an already that Apple needs to address. 
  • Apple confirms that there is no Apple Silicon 27-inch iMac in the works

    It's time to let the 27" iMac go.  For me, the advantage of buying the 27" iMac is that for the price of a 5K monitor, you effectively got the rest of the computer for free.  That's not the case anymore.   I ended up getting an M1 Max Studio with an Apple Studio display a while back.  No regrets, it's a great machine.  Time to move on. 
  • Cook justifies Apple's advertising on X as a 'town square' for the Internet

    It’s pretty ridiculous that anyone thinks Apple (or anyone else) has to justify advertising on X or anywhere else they choose.  Business is business and politics are politics.  Attempting to mix the two is a recipe for disaster. 
  • Game Mode isn't enough to bring gaming to macOS, and Apple needs to do more

    This article ought to be required reading for Apple's executive team.

    "Apple could and should bring game development in-house to see what can really cook when the developer isn't worried about making Apple code work well enough compared to other platforms, but better. I've been banging this drum for years, but I think it's imperative these days. "


    "Apple should get out in front of this with compelling, original content. And if it's not willing to bootstrap its own first-party game development studio, I'd like to see Apple convince more game makers to really flex the technology to see what they can do in more meaningful ways than just porting existing titles to the Mac platform."


    "Apple needs to offer a more compelling experience for Mac gamers on Arcade. Like in days of yore, there should be Mac-exclusive titles like Marathon was originally, or like Halo was going to be, or titles that really show off what macOS can do."


    Seriously, it's not rocket science. If Apple had any interest in addressing this problem, they'd take the steps mentioned above.  They simply don't know or don't care.  Possibly both. 

  • A17 specifications leaked ahead of iPhone 15 Pro release

    3.7 GHz??? And an additional GPU core? 
    if true…
    at 3 nm this thing is going to absolutely rip! 

    But… how will the performance be utilized in a phone? 
    This doesn't look like the update many of us have been hoping for.  Many are hoping for significant architecture changes with higher IPC in the CPU and a GPU with hardware ray tracing support.  This looks more like the same CPU and GPU architecture with a slightly higher clock speed and an extra GPU thrown in thanks to the move to 3nm. 