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  • Apple still hasn't made Dutch App Store changes despite $28M in fines

    DAalseth said:
    Maybe Apple has decided that €50 million is just the cost of doing business. 
    Yeah, just to do a little perspective on this.  Using the back of the napkin math...   Apple made $34.6 Billion USD profit last quarter.  Convert to Euros, that's 30.6+ Billion Euros.  Divide by 90 (days in the quarter) and that's 340+ million Euros profit per day or roughly 14+ million Euros per hour they make in profit.  So, the maximum fine represents the profit Apple makes in about 3 hours.  I suspect they can't be bothered by such nonsense.  
  • Microsoft acquiring Activision Blizzard in $68.7B gaming deal

    techconc said: Apple needs a dedicated gaming version of the AppleTV with much beefier specs.
    No, they don't. Apple has chosen to go in the direction of non-fragmentation, where the same games will work across all of their hardware. For Apple, that makes perfect sense. It doesn't necessarily make sense for companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, which is why they tend to focus on people buying games for an isolated piece of hardware. 
    How's that strategy working out for them?  There is a reason anyone who cares about games avoids Apple's platforms.  Candy crush may bring in a lot of revenue for them, but it does nothing to satisfy the needs of gamers.  For that matter, even if you want to take the position of not having a fragmented market, you still need to raise the bar to something like an M1 at least in order to get more compelling titles on the platform.

     tht said:
    As a reminder the M1 Max performs better in CPU and about the same in GPU as the Xbox Series X and PS5, the current generation consoles. They have the hardware for a competent console. Put an M1 Max into a Mac mini box, and basically call it a day. Hardware really isn't the problem.

    Like everyone has been saying, Apple's doesn't think of games as a strategic asset for Macs and macOS, and have at best only put perfunctory effort into it, if you could even call it that. Arcade is like a minimal effort for iOS, where there already a lot of games, and macOS gets the droppings from it, if that. They will have close to 100m Apple Silicon Macs in customer hands in another couple of years. That's a nice base of customers with a significant fraction that would love to play games on their Macs. 

    I don't think games are going to come just because this installed base is there. Apple has to become a game publisher and developer, in a much more dedicated fashion than Arcade. They really need to develop games for Macs and publish games for Macs. There is a large enough user base for it. Everything else: consoles, AAA platform games, will come if they are successful in getting Mac users to pay for games on Macs. Which I think they can be. Games designed for M1 machines as the minimum, will be enough. But Apple really has do it.
    100% agree.  Well said.

  • Microsoft acquiring Activision Blizzard in $68.7B gaming deal

    This is the type of acquisition that Apple really needs to make.  Apple just doesn't get the gaming market or simply has no interest in it.  Small indie games in Apple Arcade are fine, but Apple's platforms need A list games.  Apple has great hardware with the M1 Max but a poor gaming selection.  Ironically, Mac sales are at record levels now, but gaming on the Mac is worse than any time in history.  Sad.  
  • Apple uses Messages colors to bully Android users, says Google

    gatorguy said:

    When Apple finally gives in and dumps SMS as their backup messaging protocol we will all benefit. 
    I agree.  However, I don't think it's so much a matter of "Apple giving in" as much as it is a matter of waiting until RCS has universal support from all carriers.   I don't think Apple wants to have to try to figure out which "fall back" service to use.  SMS/MMS provide the basic necessary functionality.  Yes, it's missing many of the bells and whistles of iMessage and yes, RCS will help close that gap a bit.  Still, RCS is hit or miss in terms of carriers support so it really doesn't make sense for Apple to make that the default backup service just yet.
  • Apple uses Messages colors to bully Android users, says Google

    genovelle said:
    Google kept YouTube PIP exclusive to Android to bully iPhone users into switching to Android! 

    Kill them, burn then to ground! I want all the users and none of the work.
    How about turn by turn in mobile maps which Apple helped them develop but turned competitor and withheld it until 3 months after apple surprised them by moving to their own maps. 
    If I remember correctly, Google had their own mapping application and service for Android. Apple had their own "Maps" application but it leveraged Google's data / service.  This app had a listing of driving instructions, but didn't have turn-by-turn real time capability.  It used tile based graphics and not the vector based graphics that Apple wanted.  Google was willing to provide that service to Apple ONLY IF Apple would throw privacy out the window and turn over user data to Google.  Apple took the high ground and refused to do that and created their own service.  Sure, in 2012, early Apple Maps was behind Google.  Of course, it's a 1.0 product.  Now, 10 years later, and I very much prefer Apple Maps over Google Maps.  It didn't happen over night and Apple still has work to do and to roll out the latest mapping to other cities and countries, but we can see where this is going and how Apple is taking the lead... all while protecting our privacy.  Thanks Apple!