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  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in Apple Vision Pro aren't cooking your brain

    The fact that the author mentioned exactly zero of the studies on EMF exposure, and regurgitates the same disproven talking points fills me with great confidence about the relevance and accuracy of the piece. 
  • This is what the 2022 MacBook Air might look like

    B-Mc-C said:
    Also, it’s almost 2022 – time to ditch the analog headphone jack, especially since it looks like this will be a structural weakness on a machine this thin.

    F*#% that!! Bluetooth is the shiftiest strand of modern tech. Unreliable, misconnections, worries about charging. I will take a wired pair of headphones anytime… and so will the pro audiophiles.  It still goads me that my iPad Pro has no headphone Jack. 

  • China bans cryptocurrency from banks, payment systems

    Why would you believe the stated reason from an announcement from the Chinese government? It’s not about the “dangers” to citizens or the economy, and  It’s not about whether it’s a real currency. This is merely ground work in preparation for the single biggest socio-political maneuver in the history of China. They are clearing away crypto currencies so that there will be only one currency that will be used everywhere in China—the Digital Yuan. Benefits include the ability for the government to track every purchase from everyone (and continue its push to eliminate the USD as the world’s reserve currency).
  • Google Fi introduces eSIM support for existing iPhone customers

    Too bad there is no network switching for iPhones so if you have an iPhone you’re just buying a TMobile account when you get Google Fi. 
    libertyforallaaarrrggghforgot usernamewatto_cobra
  • Review: Apple Watch Series 4 is the full realization of what a wearable can and should do

    “Full realization of a wearable”?? Not if you’re an athlete. Does any serious endurance athlete choose an Apple Watch over a Garmin? Not that I know. Did Apple fix the GPS lock delay? The lost data at the beginning of every workout? The bad triathlon transitions? The inability to handle European 33 1/3 m pools? AW has apps, which is a plus but for core fitness functionality it still has a long way to go to catch Garmin. I’ll take a pulse oximeter and integrated Strava over an ECG any day. 