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  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    Re - Ping Ping Debate

    Either way, ping-pong debate generally does not advance communal knowledge. Folks just tune out.


    Amazingly, those sort of posts have ticked the counter past 700.  Not sure how compelling those volleys are for others besides the players.

    When a question is asked, or an assertion is made, unless it’s rhetorical, you look for an answer, to advance the discussion.
    Sorry for getting caught up in a pointless semantic debate. I will (hopefully) stop.

    That said, I really was looking for an answer--I felt dismayed by your response and was hoping for re-assurance that I had badly misread you. It was not a rhetorical, and I'm still hoping for a clear*  re-assuring response. I mean, if you honestly can't give one, that's fine too (if scary to me), but I'd like that to be clear too.

    *Clear in this case meaning you stepping in--in a quick, short manner--and clarifying when I (or DBK for that matter) misread you.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    > the elaboration amounted to backing away from the unqualified 'Yes'

    Let me know when you can deal with the example I gave for how such things are not really unqualified.
    Though this was not directed at me, I was the one who introduced the word "unqualified" into the discussion. I did so deliberately as it literally means that there are no other words attached. I did not think that could be debatable with a single word "Yes".

    I have a lot more to say about this, but @WayTools_Support is right, the semantic quibbling is not advancing anything, so I will drop it.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    If Mark Knighton and all of the staff at WayTools all got into car crashes or some other emergency and that was why they didn't deliver to us, I think we would all be very understanding of that and would not think that that violated our trust in them. It is the fact that they have not run into any sort of emergency along those lines and have still not yet delivered is why we are irate. Is that hard to understand? The 'unforeseen' problems that they have had are nothing like the drastic or life-threatening scenarios you are describing. 

    So if you want to be strict about your example, then fine--if 2019 passes and WayTools does not deliver on their "Yes" because Mark got run over by a car, then I will not consider them to have done wrong by me. But if they do not deliver because of their own foreseeable issues, then I will be upset just as I would be upset if my spouse said they would pick me up and then didn't for entirely foreseeable reasons.

    I know that you will now go on to assert that the problems that have delayed the TextBlade are just like the car accident, but I submit that they are not. "Acts of God" are not the same as "Software is Hard". I do not doubt that what they are doing is difficult or even revolutionary. What I am saying is that that they have not run into the kind of extenuating circumstances (car crashes, warehouses burning down, war breaking out, suppliers going bankrupt, etc.) which call for the level of grace you are expecting everyone to give.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    arkorott said:

    Hello ? Anybody there ? WayTools_Support can you please answer my repeated question ? (last time in post 672). Thanks
    I doubt you'll get that answered here, though you can never be sure when something might. But they did say the updates will be on their own forum.
    Those of us who have been banned or shadowbanned from the WayTools Forum ask our questions here because we are unable to ask our questions there.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    alexonline said:

     Reading your attempts to redefine "yes"
    Except I never redefined it.  I simply pointed out that it isn't the only factor.

    If you think I'm wrong, you merely have to explain how my example doesn't work. I don't think you can do it.
    I would love to see you do this in a courtroom:

    Judge: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
    DBK: Yes
    DBK: [proceeds at some point to say something that is not the truth]
    Judge: You swore to tell the truth!
    DGK: Well...I *expected* to tell the truth. There are other factors that must be considered when you hear a "Yes"
    DBK: [proceeds to give the car example]
    Judge: *rolls eyes* I hereby charge you with perjury. 