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  • Apple hits back at Facebook, says new iOS 14 ad tracking rules provide user choice

    In other news today, Apple announced a surprise release of a new social media app to be named Facelook, which will offer a less privacy-invasive platform to keep in touch with friends and family.
  • Rosenblatt throws in the towel on AAPL coverage

    Sacrificial lamb. Well, OK, goat.
  • Jony Ive removed from Apple's leadership page, marking the end of an era

    Steve Jobs and Jony Ive shared the same design instincts and vision. As Apple moves away from Ives, it is also moving away from Job's. It will happen slowly, but it will happen. Sad to see.
  • New German law mandates opening up Apple Pay NFC tech to rivals

    If I were an Apple Exec, I'd have no problem with this demand at all. Screw Germany. If they don't understand free enterprise, it's time they learned it. I live in Florida, we see lot's of German tourists. I know no Floridian who appreciates a German tourist for a customer. They don't tip, and they aren't polite. They show no respect for their host's. Their government has a history of totalitarianism and is now more socialist than anything else. Whatever you have done needs to belong to everyone else as well. Well, guess what? The world is a big place, and doesn't need Germany, or their legal opinion.
  • The story of the iMac is the story of Apple

    My first computer, in 1998, was an iMac. I unboxed it, plugged everything in, and was online in about 15 minutes. The computer, and the experience, were exactly what Jobs had promised. Through my first laptop, my first, second, third, and fourth iPod, and right up to my current laptop, the last one Steve introduced, a mid 2011 BTO MacBook Air, the Mac's and other Apple devices have all been exactly what was promised. I work every day with a PC of some brand or another and come home to my 8 year old Mac Air that's still a better device than the current-year model PC's I use at work. Tim Cook's Apple hasn't convinced me to buy anything new since 2011 except for my iPhone Xr, which I'm happier with than I thought I would be, but Tim hasn't offered a laptop in 8 years that I found compelling enough, for my purposes, to trade my trusty 2011 Air for. Maybe 2020 will be the year. But Tim Cook's Apple just hasn't been as convincing as Steve's was, and that's why I see myself eventually buying another Mac Air with updated processing, memory, batteries, and hopefully a keyboard as reliable as the 2011 I bought from Steve.