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  • How to use Xcode String catalogs to localize your app

    That’s one way of doing it, but in real life apps we use remote configurations and strings usually come from a Content Management System (like Episerver). That way strings may be modified after the app has been shipped.
    However for apps that do not require a backend, you are right, that’s the way to go.
    It’s good you mentioned the case of strings plural as Apple has done a good job localising strings for the plural form. Particularly good that you get in English “0 cars” while in French “0 voiture” and in Swedish “0 bilar”. For some languages 0 brings a plural form which is quite counter intuitive. 
  • Apple TV+ secures deal for 'Murderbot' sci-fi series starring Alexander Skarsgard and helm...

    Alexander Skarsgård, not Skarsgard. And “å” is pronounced “o” like in “hole”.
    Tack så mycket!
  • Apple will try to talk its way out of a $40 billion fine on Tuesday

    I’m an iOS developer working for the government in the EU. Because of my job I often meet Apple that asks us about possible way to improve our use of iPhones. Last meeting I had with a woman that came especially from Apple London, the question of NFC came up. For us obviously we are not interested in using NFC for a payment solution but for writing NFC Desfire cards to replace keycards. That person told me it was not possible as it’s interfering with Apple Pay… and now they say they do not?
    And please, keep away your comments “we hate Americans” because it is not true. I do not want to use Android phones but because of the way Apple has closed NFC we still have to use droid phones as well for some use cases (which sucks).
    The solution is actually really easy as I mentioned to her: create a programme where companies get granted a special entitlement (like critical notifications) that can easily be revoked if a company is not following Apple’s guidelines. I’m still waiting for the response from Apple on this one. In the meantime I didn’t know they were going to trial because of that. I would say it’s a pity, Apple should listen more to its premium users and government agencies requests (as long as it’s reasonable like in my case, I’m not asking for backdoors in their iPhones 😉)
  • Apple Watch Ultra has exposed screws, but still a difficult repair

    Please AppleInsider, check your maths! If the battery on the Series 8 is 1.19Wh and the Ultra has 2.1Wh it is an increase of (2.1-1.19)/1.19 hence 76%! Not 60% 😉 However, the Series 8 is 60% smaller than the Ultra (because then you do (2.1-1.19)/2.1. Basic maths.
    If you are not convinced, imagine a Series 9 that is 1.5Wh and a new Ultra that is 3Wh, then without calculating you know the new Ultra is 100% bigger than the Series 9, and you calculate it that way: (3-1.5)/1.5=100% whereas the Series 9 is (3-1.5)/3=50% smaller than the new Ultra.
    Hope that was clear ☺️
  • iPad Pro with OLED may be more expensive because of dry etching

    JP234 said:
    This stuff is way, way, way beyond my limited ability to comprehend. And it's obvious that no one posting on this forum can understand the tech either.

    Well I do :) I’ve been a DRIE (Deep Reactive Ion Etching) process engineer for more than 10 years before changing completely my career and become an iOS developer. So I can tell you how amazed I was about reading about my field in this article where most of it is actually correct. An error is the sentence “While dry etching isn't strictly new, it's not used in much at present.” You would not have accelerometers or gyroscopes or sensitive pressure sensors without MEMS produced with DRIE (a sort of dry etching). Hence no Nintendo Switch, no funny games on the iPhone or IPad and so on. So what a mistake to say that dry etching is not used so much these days. The patent at the origin of it is called the Bosch process and it is from the 90’s! Airbags in cars have existed for decades thanks to dry etching!
    And if you play again one of the keynotes where Apple was presenting Deep Trench Isolation (DTI) in order to avoid having pixels bleed into another it is using dry etching. So all of you are using components made with dry etching in the gadget you are currently holding 😃.

    If you have questions about dry etching or working in a clean room making MEMS, just ask me, I’d be happy to explain.
    More articles like this! Thanks 🙏 

    PS: I’ve worked for Applied Materials Inc and have several patents on the design of DRIE chambers for MEMS. 