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  • Tim Cook says 'stay tuned' to see how Apple will evolve AR with humanity

    Tuned in? Sadly after 35 years of being an Apple fanboy, I am largely tuned out. There is little, if anything, coming out of Cupertino which causes me to sit-up and take notice. I still keep abreast of Apple news, but twenty years ago I was checking twice a day, now maybe twice a week... maybe.
  • Apple pulls the plug on macOS Server

    We all just need to remember... Tim Cook is a GREAT CEO! Bah! Bad taste in my mouth even when I type it!
  • See how much Apple's campus design has changed in 30 years

    Dead_Pool said:
    I think that Beagle designed my Performa 6115CD
    Perhaps...  but it looks more like a Bassett Hound to me.
  • Army wife uses AirTags to track shady movers

    lkrupp said:
    You can’t trust anyone these days. The work ethic is dead and buried in this entitled culture. So this piece-of-shit driver lied through his teeth to his customer and she caught him red-handed. Still he wanted to ‘negotiate’ the delivery. I hope he didn’t rob her blind in the process.

    How many people calling in sick during the pandemic were frauds who just didn’t want to work?

    You won't get any disagreement from me on that.
    But, as a long haul driver, it is possible he had not been home, with his girl friend, for months.  And, with the driver shortage, they would likely send him back across the country as soon as he delivered that load.

    No, that doesn't excuse it.  But I suspect that there is another side to the story.
    We should perhaps be blaming the booking & scheduling agency as much or more than the driver.

    But here, we're only getting one side of the story.  We don't know if he was a goof-off or just trying to survive.  Sometimes that can be a fine line.

    In any case, somebody screwed up and: That's a great story about AirTags!

    Stay safe out there driver! It sure can be a challenging job at times. 

    Long haul truck driving has never been known as an easy job.  It used to be only for the toughest of the tough (back before power steering, automatic transmissions and electric loaders).

    But today, without the teamsters union, drivers can be worked to the bone for little pay*.  And, instead of professional drivers we get trade school graduates barely able to back up the truck.
    It's also one of the causes of today's inflation:  they can't get enough people to move the goods -- so shortages happen and prices go up.

    * But, that's relative:  as Lkrupp correctly pointed out, the work ethic has declined.  (Along with loyalty to one's company and to their trade.)
    The worker shortage isn’t limited to trucking. The entire supply chain has been impacted by worker shortage. Office workers are resigning in large numbers, as well as restaurants, retail, and pretty much every industry. Yay capitalism!
    What you are seeing is not the result of capitalism, but the result of government constantly interfering in the free market system.
  • 2021 iPad review: The best iPad for nearly everyone

    henrybay said:
    Best of all, it still has a Home Button! Which for many people, makes the iPad so much easier to use. 
    The home button is one of just a couple reasons I purchased an iPad mini (5th gen) for my wife the day they announced the 6th gen.  A quick upgrade to 14.8 and a firewall block to prevent further i-device OS upgrades and we are golden!

    I'm not sure you want to block at the firewall. This will probably also block the security updates that Apple will continue to apply to iOS 14.
    Blocking the update servers at the firewall is an easy way to stop our collection of i-devices (iPads, iPods, iPhones & Apple TVs) from constantly nagging and pestering us about updating.  Also, since it is a single point of control it is also very easy to disable the block (on either a temporary or permanent basis) should we decide to allow updates.  Both my wife and I are concerned about the potential for abuse from on-device scanning and have no intention to upgrade any i-device to 15.
    As Mike pointed out, blocking all updates also blocks security updates.  Without them you may be more susceptible to spyware & such.

    spyware...  such as i-device OS 15?  That's the entire reason I put the block in place rather than update.