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  • Google Play drops all subscription commissions to 15% from day one

    narwhal said:
    I think Apple should drop everything to 15% commission. The current situation is too complicated. As an under-$1M developer, I can't sell or buy apps without being bumped to 30% commission. Better to just keep it simple for everyone at 15%. Apple can handle the decreased revenue from the large developers.

    Here's another idea: Apple should consider dropping the commission even further to 5%. So the App Store is basically a loss leader to sell hardware. It will lead to more apps in the App Store, will end all the gripes and lawsuits from developers about high rates, and basically kneecap other app stores from gaining a foothold.
    Another idea - Apple should close the app store and concentrate their efforts into the own apps and a few favoured developers. Most apps I have bought through the app store have not really turned out to be that useful, but the ones bought externally (usually for much more money)  have been long term really useful. I am happy to drift back (maybe not all the way) to the bad old days where there is a few successful developers "commanding the roost". (Might solve a few litigation issues at the same time)
  • Intel CEO hopes to win back Apple with a 'better chip'

    Fred257 said:
    ? I know three engineers who work for Intel, one of them complained to me for years that the only solution was adding more capacitors which adds more heat.  All of this was true but Apples approach wins out because the engineers I talked to at Intel didn’t see a way forward and now the CEO knows today that they’re going to be destroyed by these new chips, obliterated is a more correct term to use…
    Don't you mean Transistors?
  • Big Tech law proposals slowed in Europe by parliamentary squabbles

    Catch 22 - The requirement to tax the very successful companies but at the same time encourage them to stay local.

    Government spending inevitably only goes up due to the people (us) demanding more (we all believe something should be done about …… fill in whatever bugs you).

    We will eventually cross the barrier - more being sucked out of the economy than goes in.

    The US has traditionally swung between raising domestic taxes and encouraging trade (lowering import duty) to lowering domestic taxes and taxing those pesky importers (or more correctly the consumers of the imports).

    Neither solution solves the problem - governments have to spend less overall - but who will vote for that.

    Here endeth the lesson

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook receives 255,000 shares of Apple stock

    vesalius said:
    Depends on his vesting schedule how long he can delay payment. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/tax/09/restricted-stock-tax.asp  The option to donate as of yet untaxed shares that have increased in value on paper also offers more tax advantages than donating already taxed salary. Can structure/choose to take less actual monetary salary in the years of RSU vesting decreasing other taxable income for that year. No such luck for anyone with a w2 income. 
    Thank you for the explanation - If you are intending to give most of your wealth to charity then I you probably don't want more than is necessary to go in taxes, unless you like the way the government spends your money.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook receives 255,000 shares of Apple stock

    vesalius said:
    Some one needs to lecture Apple/Cook and the bad politics of evading ceo taxes. Apple and Tim offer opinions on a multitude of nonfinancial sociopolitical topics why not this one? 
    I would all be grateful for your insight to this CEO tax subject, if you have the time to explain. I know nothing about it, thanking you in advance.