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  • Upcoming M4-based Mac mini rumored to replace USB-A with more USB-C ports

    Really really unfortunate if they remove <any> of the ports the mini currently has. There are still a bunch of items out there that are USB-A only (keyboard/controller dongles and various others, now you will need an ugly USB-C dongle to use them). The pro mini currently has 6 USB ports in the back, 4 USB-C/TB and 2 USB-A, the loss of even a single one of these is really really unfortunate. If they move to having only 3 USB-C ports in the back and 2 in front, this is barely better than just using a laptop. A MAJORITY of the POINT of the mini is to have significantly better connectivity than a laptop and a cleaner look with all the ports in the rear and not coming out of multiple sides of the device as you have with a laptop. Plus the change of form factor which almost nobody has asked for in order to help Apple have cheaper cargo shipping and the inconvenience of changing any mounts and brackets some users make use of.
  • Affinity makes Designer, Photo, and Publisher free for six months

    I assume they've made most of the money there was to make from selling licenses. "Free for 6 months", get a bunch of new users comfortable with the software and switch everybody to subscriptions. But cheaper, not $60-100/month like those Adobe baddies, only $40/month!
  • How to make the most of your Mac's trackpad

    In Accessibility settings are a few other very useful Trackkad settings such as the super useful three finger drag that makes it so easy to drag items with a 3 finger touch rather than having to keep the pad pressed while dragging.
    luke hamblywatto_cobrad_2lotonesjony0
  • Despite what you may have heard, don't write off the iMac just yet

    Looks like a good machine for general use and for those imaginary kitchen island soup-making Mac users Apple puts in their videos. But it is not a "perfect upgrade for the 27 iMac" like Apple claims, and the restricted CPU, memory and storage options clearly show that this is not a professional machine in Apple's opinion. The pro laptops are still pretty thin and have CPU, RAM, and storage options that blow away the iMac with its larger chassis.
  • Humane announces its wearable communicator will be named 'Humane Ai Pin'

    Hopefully this dumb company and their dumb projectable vaporware will go down super soon and save us all having to see any more dumb PR headlines about them in our feeds.