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  • Edward Snowden calls Apple CSAM plans 'disaster-in-the-making'

    pmh said:
    bluefire1 said:
    Champion of privacy no more.
    I don't take advice from from the chicken little residing in Hotel Putin.
    He’s literally there because he exposed the US government committed criminal constitutional violations against the American public. In fact, he’s there because our government has been proven capable of doing the exact type of illegal surveillance that people concerned about this new Apple program are talking about. You go ahead and keep cheering on totalitarianism wrapped in “save the children” and “stop terrorism” though.
  • Edward Snowden calls Apple CSAM plans 'disaster-in-the-making'

    chasm said:
     “If you’re still willfully arguing against it, you appear to be pro-CSAM.”
    Congratulations on using the most transparent and despicable tactic in the book to self-righteously condemn anybody who disagrees with you. Were you one of the cohort who argued that those who opposed the Patriot Act must be “pro-terrorist” and anti-American as well? 

    You are the “slow” one in the back making straw-man arguments. The people defending this are deliberately missing the point. The controversy is that this is scanning done CLIENT SIDE, on the local machine. That’s a radical new precedent that implies that we do not own our phones or computers. If it were a physical scenario this would be called illegal search and seizure. Most reasonable people expect scanning is done on servers hosting content. The servers are theirs to do with as they please and you agree to the terms in order to store your content there. This whole controversy probably doesn’t exist without the scanning taking place on the local machine instead of on the server. Are you actually so thick that it makes sense to you that this is for security purposes? 

    Think about it-  Apple is claiming the average user’s device is more secure than their own servers by making that claim. If somebody agrees to use the server and they are willing to send the data there and trust Apple’s servers, why would there be any issue doing the scan SERVER SIDE? The reason people are crying foul is because of this insistence on having the scanning done on the local machine and a justification for it that doesn’t add up to anybody familiar with cyber-security. 

    There is a reason that cyber-security and privacy groups internationally are almost universally condemning this. I suppose you know more than they do though, right?