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  • Apple still not in compliance with Dutch App Store rules, regulator says

    I chose apple iPhones because of the security and ease of handling any issues in one spot.  If a consumer doesn’t want the security then they shouldn’t buy an iPhone.  These countries are greedy with their outrageous fines.  
    Let's face it, the way Apple works is quite anticompetitive. Quite often they do allow external payment systems to be used sometimes even exclusively (Netflix, 1Password come to mind), sometimes it doesn't (as in the case Epic, DatingApps).  It's not even consistent in when they apply things and when not.
    The overall quality of the Appstore and it's App Review is quite absymal and seems more motivated on Apple's side by greed (case in point adverts you have to scroll over for the 'real' results instead of cheap rip-offs) than by 'wanting to deliver a good customer experience'.
    You can see that more and more with Apple digital services, their quality has deteriorated since Tim became Chief Excel Operator. Great for shareholder value, very bad for customers and I'm sure in the medium to long term this will be a leading cause for Apple's eventual decline. I've been holding Apple shares since way before the iPhone days (with my buying price of less thatn $2 that has been VERY profitable I admit), but right now Apple's future hasn't been looking that dark since the early 90's, the way management is currently behaving.
    They are living off their substance and definitely lost their edge from the '00s. After the 'maker' generation in leadership (Jony, Steve), we're currently running the 'preserving' generation (less innovation, while milking every little drop of the existing products, while wasting billions on 'innovations' that don't materialize), I'm pretty sure the 'next' generation will destroy it all ... and Tim pretty much said he'll probably leave within the decade. I'm not sure when 'Peak Apple' will be, but my guess is, within the next 5 years.
  • iCloud outages resolved after nearly every Apple service went down globally

    Well I checked on and it coincided with massive issues on AWS (as well as several other online services). The graphs looked literally identical between all of those. Interesting how dependent Apple still is from AWS Service apparently.
  • Apple supplier Luxshare wants to build new plants for wearables & electric cars

    kenan said:
    Just want right to be right! 
    Foxconn are NOT an Chines company!! 
    Foxconn are Taiwanes company!

    Taiwan does not belong to China, Taiwan is an independent democratic country!
    But Foxconn operate in China.

    But all this you already new! So why write wrong!

    But Foxconn is a Chinese company. They currentlu belong to the Republic of China with their headquarter near Taipei. Although almost no country in the world (including the US) is recognizing the Republic of China and are only recognizing the People's Republic of China as the one China. It's pretty much Newspeak when politicians defend the island of Taiwan against the PRC. 